It sort of begs the question: why would God use a people NOT chosen to reveal himself? I mean: IF God knows the future and the consequences of every action, would he - naturally - "choose" "the people" best suited to reveal himself? Or would he just choose randomly and hope for the best?
Jenny The Great β
Thanks for sharing! You tell me with a name of ""
Tell you what, if you are a true Christian and when you are in Heaven, you can ask Yehova Yahweh yourself.
Jenny The Great β
Thanks for sharing! You sound like pearllederman, Ask God. Answerbag is a Q&A site, I'm asking the Christians on this site to see if they could possibly know the answer. Your name is "Thinker," so you must think, think, think! -
To tell you the truth I know of no reason why Yahweh chose the Hebrew people to be His chosen people. There was nothing special about them. Following their timeline and genealogy they were just brought into that roll as chosen people. It all had to lead to the Messiah and the saving of the people. In the Old Testament everything was leading to the Messiah. The New Testament is the fulfillment or the Old Testament. So, I stand by my word, "ask Yahweh" only He knows why He led the people from Adam through Yeshua. Get and read the two books by Rabbi Jason Sobel, a Messianic Rabbi, the Secrets of the Messiah and the second book Mysteries of the Messiah. These two books come close to answering your question. -
Jenny The Great β
Since you don't know the answer, check out the other answers. This question was barely asked yesterday on 12/6/2023. More and more answers could follow. If you search the scriptures, the answer is actually in the Bible. I'll be more than glad to share an answer anytime soon. I didn't want to share an answer right away, and then have AB'ers feel, why ask the question then. The whole purpose of Answerbag is to share what you know. -
Jenny The Great β
Do you know how silly you sound for trying to argue with a true Christian? I gave you a thumbs up and I left your answer in a good note to check out the answers from the other AB'ers. As you feel like embarrassing yourself, you found the right person to embarrass you. Note this: out of over 1,000 questions I have asked, I already know the answer to all of my questions. I only ask questions, because without me, Answerbag will shut down. This site has lost up to 5 good AB'ers. Hardly no one except me, bostjan and a couple of others are asking questions to keep Answerbag going. You claim to be a Christian, yet you failed to answer my question. 1 Peter 3:15 says to be prepared to give an answer. You are not prepared at all. EVERYONE in this subject can see you have exposed yourself. Thinker? What a joke. *Huge Facepalm* -
Jenny, I sometimes forget you are a JW and are allowed to read those things the Watchtower allows and teaches. I gave you two books to read yet you chose to make no comment about them. Those books are totally about Yeshua and why He chose and came to this world. You say I do not know, but I do probably more than you do or think. I am born again of Yeshua and speak in my prayer language (tongues) and have received the Comforter the Holy Ghost. Have you? -
Jenny The Great β
Nope, I'm not a Jehovah's Witness. I am a Born Again, Non-denominational Christian. I study the scriptures with the help of the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, also known as the Helper by John 15:26. 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and Ephesians 4:11 teaches us how each Christian has a gift. 2 books you gave me? All the answers are in the Bible. It wouldn't make sense if the Bible did not give Christians the answers we need. It would be an unreliable book then. Instead, the Bible encourages us to "search the scriptures." Quote: "but I do probably more than you do or think." Because you're old does not mean you know more than a young person. God works with people both young and old. If you knew more, you wouldn't have idled to share an answer. Look at every other AB'er, including bostjan who is an Atheist. They were quick to respond. Perhaps this is a call from God to remind you that trying your best to answer a religious question is what actually matters. -
In all your studies have you read the Books of Adam and Eve, also known as the Lost Books of Eden? or the Book of the Cave of Treasures, or the Book of the Bee? How about the Book of Enoch or the Book of Jebeles? Or even the Apocrypha. All of these are available on the internet mostly on You Tube. You say you study the Bible which is good, most people just read and have little or no understanding of what they read. I apologize for having said you were a JW. There was one woman on here who was and did her best to convert readers to JWism. Actually I think we are from both sides of the same coin. Where you stay pretty close to the Bible only and I study not only the Bible but many good other writing and studies of the Bible. -
Jenny The Great β
I have not read those books. Again, all the answers we need are in the Bible. If there's anything you want to discuss, let me know. I use the Bible for reference. With sound doctrine, we can be assured that there will be no misunderstandings. I remember the female JW you are referring to, along with Texasescimo. They are known to push their Watchtower beliefs. All the Jehovah's Witnesses are gone from this site. The only believers on Answerbag in the present are a few Non-denominational Christians and a couple of Catholics. -
I am sure you know there were over 80 books to the Bible before the Council of Trent when they cut the Bible back to 66 books. The manuscripts I listed above all had their part in the Bible although some not directly. Reading these additional manuscripts can give you incites to the 66 books of the Cannon of the Bible. If one is going to study a particular subject, do they read just one book or several different books to get a fuller picture of the subject studied. This is true for the Bible as well. The two books, The Secrets of the Messiah and the Mysteries of the Messiah by Rabbi Jason Sobel have opened my eyes to many things in the Bible I never knew. Don't limit yourself and your learning like the JWs do. -
Jenny The Great β
Not only that, Jesus said in John 21:25, that everything He did, as well as other books from the rest of His disciples are not all written down in history. John 21:25 "There are so many other things Jesus did. If they were all written down, each of them, one by one, I canβt imagine a world big enough to hold such a library of books." (MSG) By no means, we are not to say the Bible does not give us all the answers we need. I haven't had a problem not finding out what I need to know, simply cause, we must ask and seek. Luke 11:9-10 "So I say to you, keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. 10 For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking, it will be opened." Quote:" Don't limit yourself and your learning like the JWs do." You mean like yourself of being unable to answer my question in the subject asked?????????????? According to your answer, I'll tell you what, as you have asked some recent religious questions, you keep asking them, and I will bring my Bible to answer your questions. Sounds fair enough.
Well this is the simplest way I see it, there were 12 tribes of Israel, and they were described as a stubborn and hard hearted people, hence he didn't pick the easiest lot! Even when he appeared physically as fire or cloud, they fell away. Abraham was from Ur, it was when Benjamin fell to David of Judah that the alliance changed. In a more complex view, 12 tribes, 12 hours, 12 x 2 is 24hrs, 12 x 12 is 144, there is a lot of numerology in the bible as sacred geometry, we just can't get away from it, and it has hidden meaning, but the biggest mystery was Christ. Even Paul described the need for milk to the beginners, before revealing more.
I think it was because of the faith and faithfulness of His servant Abraham. 12/7/23
Take a secular analogue of this. Assume you were the president, and you needed to establish diplomacy with different nations. Would you choose a certain envoy to each nation with the skills necessary to perform the task, or would you just send the entire state department to each nation, one-at-a-time? Assuming there is a God and that God wants to reveal Himself to His people, but doesn't expect those people to be able to handle Him in His raw form, what better option would there have been than to choose a group of people for the mission that had certain aptitude to do an acceptable job in the process?
Jenny The Great β
Thanks for sharing! God does work in mysterious ways, so eventually the mystery to this question could be revealed soon. I respect all answers, except when someone tells me to ask God. That's like saying to eff-off. This question has 5 answers so far. Christians, Atheists or anyone else: this question is to test people's knowledge. In these options that you ask of, I like options, and I like it when Atheists answer religious questions. Really, Atheists know the Bible better than most people who call themselves Christians.
Christians: brush-up your bibles. This is an easy question. God uses suffering for our good, and He delights in taking what is bad and evil, and making it good. God chose Israel when they were small and weak - a people without a land. Deuteronomy 7:6 "For you are a people Holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the Earth." Read also Exodus 3:7-9: Through Abraham who is The Father of the Faith, God built a powerful nation. This is recorded in the book of Genesis. Genesis 12:1-3 "Now the LORD said to Abram, Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the Earth shall be blessed." The key words here to look for why God chose a certain people: righteousness, suffering, endurance and faith. Romans 4:3" For what does the Scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness." Hebrews 11:29" By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned."
You have given the results of Yahweh choosing the Hebrews, which were the results of Abram coming out of Ur creating what became the Hebrew people. You have not stated what prompted Yahweh to choose them. When Yahweh chose Abram and Sarai there were only two, the rest were added in as they progressed. When Yahweh made Adam then Eve there were no Hebrews only a rag tag group of people that descended from Adam and Eve mainly after they left the Cave of Treasures. -
Jenny The Great β
Your biblical knowledge is at basic level. Quote: "You have not stated what prompted Yahweh to choose them" I perfectly stated why God chose the Hebrews based on the promise He gave to Abraham. If you can read well, which appears you can't by your old age or you need glasses... the key words to look for are: "righteousness, suffering, endurance and faith." *Facepalm*
That's a good question. It says in the New Testament that "God is no respecter of persons." You can translate this any way you wish but I think it means he doesn't discriminate against people, he treats them all equally. Therefore this verse contradicts the "Chosen People" idea. BTW the Jews wrote the bible.
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