• Try living in a desert or a jungle with no one around and you can see why the former statement is true. People can be cruel, but society, as a rule, tends to be very soft on us. Are you hungry? Would you rather A) go to a grocery store, B) try to chase down a dangerous animal to kill it and then eat it, and hope it doesn't have some awful disease to pass on to you, or C) pick a random berry, herb, or mushroom that will either nourish you or kill you, depending on luck? Are you cold and wet? Would you rather go home and switch on the furnace, or try to build a yurt out of sticks and mud that might collapse on your head and crush you? We are extremely lucky to live around other people, even if it is pretty awful at times.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      The world has full of criminals so it's not so lucky to be around those people who are making trouble. If I was hungry I would do the logical thing by going to my local shop. It's not just awful the way people are. There are some that kill. It's better to stay clear of them people who belong in prison.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      So, if you would rather choose option A over B or C, then you benefit from other people. No one will deny the fact that many bad people exist. But overall, we, as people in a society, count on other (good) people just to exist. Without other people, there would be no shop, no stock on the shelf, no internet to use to publicly complain about how bad people can be, no computer, no electricity, nothing. If you took away all other people aside from yourself, you'd be naked, cold, starving, tired, and bored, out in the middle of a field or forest or desert somewhere. I don't think that's a position where you'd want to contemplate how much less cruel nature is than humankind, mainly because you'd be scrambling to catch some food, build a fire, and make shelter, all whilst trying not to catch dysentery or be eaten by a bear/aligator/lion/tiger/wolf/panther/leopard/python/koala. As for society, we have a place for bad people who kill. That place keeps them away from the people who abide by society's standards to make life better for everybody. Here in the USA, our system is dysfunctional, but it still works way better than trusting nature to sort it all out for us.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      You make a point. I don’t rely on people to exist. The reason why I chose option A over the others is because I would never kill an animal as it’s not in my nature to kill and I would not want to poison myself from picking a random food outside. I know that people create more people through reproduction but I don’t rely that much on people in general. People can be useful with their inventions which others rely on. Nobody would want to be naked in the cold being starved and feeling bored. At least with people’s inventions we make use of them. As an earthling, I like to be in touch with nature such as going for walks to the beach and through the woods and watch nature programs on television
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Being in touch with nature is fantastic, but being reliant on nature to provide for you is brutal. We, as humans, never really mature beyond a sort of pseudo-childhood, since we, as a rule, never really learn to become self-sufficient. Those who have grown up in Western culture and tried to truly survive without any other people have almost invariable ended up starving to death. Even the most famous cases of people shunning society completely ended up surviving by stealing food from socialized people. I think we grow up reading "The Jungle Book" and "Tarzan" only to end up thinking that nature has some sense of loyalty to human beings. But, if you left a baby to be raised by wolves, I guarantee it won't turn out anything like it does in the books.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I don’t rely on nature to provide for me. Nature is for everyone and all other species to be part of. To survive is to be independent and make use of resources. If a person was to be surrounded by wolves they would not last long but I understand what you mean by The Jungle Book.

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