• 11/21/2023, you are welcome. Since I joined Answerbag around this time of season in 2017, I've been all over Answerbag asking questions, giving answers, commenting, answering my own questions to expand my views, trolling, getting trolled on, in the penalty box and so on. Me and Linda Joy have had our disputes for 6 years. I remember answering one of her religious questions in 2017. She didn't like what I had to say, so she developed a grudge against me, and even told me: "I don't like you." Other users who are not active anymore have also told me they dislike me. We are not all here to agree with each other. Here are a couple of many questions me and Linda Joy have gone at it: One of our last arguments was when she called me and Murzy out by asking a question about us, trying to ridicule us. The question was reported, not by me though. From then and now, it almost seemed like me and Linda Joy were trying to run each other off from Answerbag. I'm still here. I outlasted the old Answerbag when it shut down in December 15, 2015, and I will outlast this site again if it does shut down for good. I believe the most active users keep this site going. I have noticed some newcomers and a few old AB'ers return, once they found out Linda Joy was no longer active. Keep giving it more time to see if she returns.
  • Lol! Bostjan the "adequate," love that, at least your humble. Creamcrackered - "the average and often bleedin exhausted."

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