Vladimir Putin has a daily workout routine that includes cardio, swimming, weight training and etc. He also dips in icy water, which is good for mental health. Putin has the advantage to wear out Donald Trump in a fair fight. But in a no disqualification match, Trump can pick up a wooden chair and break it on Putin's head, making Trump the winner. lol
LMBO thanks for that comment Jenny :)
Vald he was a KGB agent hes probably had a few blues in his time. Has Trump ever had a punch up?
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Trump is much bigger, but I doubt that he's ever been in a proper fist-fight before. Putin is not only in better physical shape, but he's played hockey against NHL players and scored 8 goals. He has lightning-fast reflexes, since he's raced formula 1 cars. He's wrestled bear, caught fish using only his hands, scored a hole-in-zero in golf, drank milk he extracted himself from a rock... He doesn't read books, he interrogates them until they tell him exactly what he needs to know. Putin created the cure for covid-19... in 2018. Putin has never been beaten in Rochambeau, because Putin beats rock, beats paper, and beats scissors. It is rumoured that Putin and Chuck Norris once had a round-house kicking competition against each other and both of them won.
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