• The few Americans left that talk to me said they are never wasting their time voting agian.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yes, I agree with you 100% ;)
    • β˜…Stevo
      As I only know a few Americans ,How many do you think say the same? Do you think there will be a big turn out next election? cheers.
    • bostjan the adequate πŸ₯‰
      US Voter turnout is historically 1/2 to 2/3 of registered voters. People on the right side are disenfranchised because their media outlets and leaders have told them that their election was stolen. People on the left side are disenfranchised because their media outlets and leaders told them that the guy who led the revolt in response to what I just mentioned would be held accountable, and he 100% hasn't been. The people in the center are disenfranchised by all of the divisiveness between the two extreme sides, and everyone is disenfranchised by the fact that there is all of this shenanigans ever election and no one EVER gets held accountable for anything from within the government, but the peons that the leaders use as their pawns DO get punished. Also, the government for the people by the people is also stupid, because the people are stupid. Remember when people were screaming for the government to just hand them a bunch of cash, because of covid, and the economists (experts) were like "That would cause inflation to skyrocket!" and the people were all like "But we are literally starving and have no money," and the economists were like "Maybe that money would be better spent distributing food, then," and the people were like "but we have rent and bills, too" and the republicans were like "these idiots won't even pay their rent or bills, they'll just all go out and buy a new XBOX or whatever," and then Trump (yes, Trump, the GOP's #1 guy) decided to send everyone a check, and 99.9% of the people blew that money on stupid stuff, and now we have rampant inflation, and Trump is trying to blame Biden for it? That's why we can't have nice things, folks.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks, for your comment :)
  • The last election was "anyone but Trump" and a referendum on J6 for most voters, there's no reason to think anything has changed in regard to those two factors other than it's likelier that even more people will vote against Trump.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks, for your comment :)

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