  • The 1990's. I have more music CD's from that decade, being Eurodance, Rock and some Country music.
  • All of them!
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Interesting take. Do you have a favourite type of music or just no preferences at all?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I have a friend in whom I've also asked, "Which decade has the best music?" Her response: "I don't have a favorite music decade. I like it all." LOL
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      I'm sure I could find a type of music she wouldn't like if I got 20 guesses. LOL
    • notyouraveragedummy
      I have collections in many genres of music. I have a record player that can play 78s and 45s; it will also play cassette tapes and I have a CD player. I will admit that I don't know much about music produced in the last twenty years. I don't have a lot of exposure to Rap but I've heard a number of those that were clever and enjoyable. I'm not sure I know the difference between Hip Hop and Rap (which just shows I'm old). And yes, you might be able to find a type of music I don't like, for example, I prefer that opera not be sung in English because I enjoy it more when I don't understand the words. I have a lot of favorite country music and artists but there are some that I find actually boring. I only like some Broadway, not all; but that doesn't mean I don't like the genre. But dislike a whole decade, no. And so far, I've lived through seven, almost eight and every decade has music that I like.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      notyouraveragedummy, yes, I believe you are too old to be listening to Hip Hop or Rap music.
    • notyouraveragedummy
      I do listen to it, I just don't know what makes it "Hip Hop". I recognize the poetry in Rap.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      I tend to be the same way. If a genre of music exists, I will dive into it until I find something I enjoy. The toughest genre for me to find such a piece, though, incidentally, is Chinese opera. Maybe if you like opera but also like things that are a bit different, you'd enjoy it.
    • notyouraveragedummy
      When I was much younger, there were two different genres called country and western. Today, I believe that they're lumped into one category. I can tell the difference between the two more easily than I can distinguish rap from hip hop. This does not mean that I like or dislike any of these more than another. Remember when folk music was popular. I have a small collection of that also.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Wasn't that a line from the "Blues Brothers?" "What kind of music do you usually have here?" "Oh! We have *both* kinds: country AND western"
    • notyouraveragedummy
      Rama, lama, ding, dong!
  • That is a matter of opinion based on the individual. I am easy going with music regardless of the year that the songs were released.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      I challenge you to try to enjoy this kind of music:
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I like the guitar and drums in the song but to add that bird sound or whatever it is, it ruins the song.
  • The "Big Band Era" probably produced some of the most memorable music. That was in the 1930s and 40s. I enjoyed the rock and roll of the 1950s as those were my teen years, then I went to country music in the 1960s. The music today, for the most part is just loud noise and no story to it. I am so glad I lived when I did starting with the big band sound.
  • IMHO, the 60s
  • The 90s, even though I was a child then.

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