• Some dogs need more time to train.
  • most dog trainers train you to train the dog. As in you take the dog to dog training and they tell you what to do to train the dog.
    • Majik-1
      That was how I learned...we were trained together. Funny thing was that the dog passed with flying colors & I failed miserably!!!
    • ★Stevo
      so did I
    • Majik-1
      Fortunately for me, my dog finished my training after the class ended. LoL
  • You might be surprised. I think that you are going to miss your dog & it scares you!!! As far as the trainer goes, I took a class with my dog so I could learn while he learned & the class was 1 day a week for 10 weeks; so, 7 days doesn't sound too outrageous to me. Rush it & the dog won't learn anything!!! 😖

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