• Its been like this for the past 2 years . Not a lot happens here now.
    • Moving Violation
      That is because it is run by a bunch of GOOMBAS 12 10 2022
    • wiseacre
      MV is right, it is right in the terms & co9nditions, THEY GIVE THEMSELVES PERMISSION TO TAKE ANYTHING THEY LIKE and 100% cut you off from it, ESPECIALLY if you could never once come up with frunds to get to NY, NY and claim TRUE AND PROPER rights you create in here. If there were EVER money, I would have laid claim to over 150 copyrights I did in here, Big Bang Theory, X-Files, Will & Grace, The 5th Element, etc... ALL legally plagiarized and still not one iota of a cent to afford the trip to NY Demand Media or the US Copyright offices as would be appropriate.
    • Linda Joy
      Like coming here and crying is going to make everything better? Waaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaa! If you don't like it leave! You have the power to do that, you know! That's ok poor little baby. When you grow up maybe you'll learn to read and consider the terms and conditions before you post, idiot! No wise man would post top secret confidential trade secrets on a freakin social media site! Then you go advertising it like you're proud of how stupid you were! That's on you! Not AB! Any semi intelligent person knows every site on the web says the same thing about their site. Why do you continue to blame AB for your idiocracy?
  • This is the only AB I know.
    • CNC
      So sad. AB was like great before. Sorry new AB.
    • Linda Joy
      So was MSN's Q&A a generation before. Why don't you try Quora? Or here's an idea why not post the questions you would want to see here. If everyone did that this place would be hopping with new questions. But no. Everyone would rather complain and whine. Than to get off their asses and make this site what they want it to be!
    • Majik-1
      Quora is in the process of dying a very slow & sad death!!! You now have to pay to ask a question & the Q's coming up are soooo freakin boring & NOT worth answering!!!
  • I remember it vaguely. It was fun some of the time,but it was also one of the first sites I recall devolving into a political cesspit.
    • A null
  • I just looked at a list of my contributions. Nothing has a date, even the profile doesn't tell when you signed on. What I noted is that most of my posts are answering grammar questions. Now, I don't think anyone here cares about grammar. I used to participate in several sites that had grammar questions. On, I had entries in six digits but in 2018 they took down most of the site, removed my ID from all my postings and changed my picture to that of a pink octopus. πŸ˜’ I could still answer grammar questions there, but I don't feel like it.
  • I enjoyed the old answerbag all the time it was available. I had a number of close friends there and we communicated privately as well. One very close friend has since died of cancer. There was a points system for the old answerbag but it wasn't dominate by a few like now. It was just a lot more fun then now.
    • CNC
      I had no friends on AB, and didn't really have any private conversations, or if I did they seemed to turn into something too strange, so didn't bother. But I was there, just for the entertainment.
  • I wasn't here at that time. I came in after Yahoo Answers closed up shop. But from what I've seen of this place, while it does seem more middle-of-the-road politically (I've not seen any censorship), the level of third-grade material that gets asked here is amazing. It's no wonder people have lost interest.
  • I'm okay with the current I show up to answer questions I believe I can successfully respond to. That's it and nothing else.
  • My alias used to be wiseacre, and this new site, I am just not getting used to it at all, but I wasn't intending to stick around much at all.
  • I don't know the difference between the old and the current one.
  • Yes. Especially on a day like today when the new site appears to be broken and you cannot post any new questions. In December of 2015, the old Answerbag simply ceased to exist. There was no forewarning whatsoever provided to users, and since then, no official answer from any AB staff or executives has ever publicly surfaced. So, one day, old AB was a thriving mass of internet traffic, and then the next day, it was just gone without a trace. Today (July 2023), you can slog through the internet archive and see snapshots taken of the old answerbag site prior to December of 2015, but that's literally all that is left of it. User profiles are gone, private messages gone, everything virtually gone. I'd like to say that this site rose up like a phoenix from the ashes of that site, but it's really more like the Looney Tunes character Beaky Buzzard than a phoenix, since there is no proper punctuation, no features, categories are a mess now, and the site is often broken - and the AB staff is never really visually present here, only occasionally popping in to fix fatal bugs without saying a word to users. There's also a "blog" that never gets updated and has the site's entire "history" on a single page of headlines that look as though you can click them for more information, but cannot. I have no idea if this site makes any money or whatever - but it's basically a step or two better than nothing. After Yahoo Answers went through a scheduled demolition, many of the lurkers there came here, only a few of which ended up sticking around long-term. I would venture a guess that the shortlived boom was a consequence of this site being on auto-pilot for the past 6-7 years.
  • I never knew the old AB. I got here after Yahoo answers shut down. There have been many users stop posting just since I got here. I think this site needs a "thumbs down" option too. 7/12/23
    • Linda Joy
      You really think that would make MORE people want to post?!! I think it would make more people want to quit. Run off what little posters we do have!
    • dalcocono
      I don't know if it would or not. It would however give a chance to express an opinion without having to leave comments. You are certainly entitled to your opinion on the issue. I simply expressed mine.
  • What good would that do? What was the point of this question anyway? To make everyone whine and cry over what's past? Boo hoo. Now lets get on with making this site what you want it to be! If you want more questions ask them. If you want more participants invite them. Crying isn't attractive at all and it isn't going to change anything! Get off your asses and make this site what you want it to be!
  • It was better than this version of it. I think a certain gang of trolls were responsible for it being shut down.
  • As much as I used the old Answerbag, I really don't miss it. We can still ask and answer questions, and comment as well. The old AB was bound to close down or sell out, being the case by Joel and Rich who sold it to Demand Media. Other than that, some of the old members are still here.
  • I do miss the old Answer Bag
  • I only know this version.

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