Has the email address you signed up with changed or you no longer check it or have it? I'll tell why you tongue in check don't get you're knickers in a knot. Jenny Rizzo is brillant and a modle. You don't think who ever runs this site secretly loves Jenny Rizzo everyone does.
Linda Joy
What knickers? And Jenny is anything but brilliant, she's narcistic. And I don't really care if she gets notifications or ahem if anyone loves her. I just want notifications and since everyone is hypervigilant about discrimination I thought I'd throw that in there. -
Linda Joy
What? Wait a minute, a model? is that what you were trying to say? Have you SEEN her? Besides any dummy can be a model. Just go in any department store and see for yourself!! haha -
β Stevo
I imagine a sexy little wog chick.
17th july 2022... i dont get them,not sure i want them
See, people? I told you all at the meeting that if you mentioned getting notifications to LJ she would want them too. I'd like to know who told her...who was the leaker?
Linda Joy
dalcocno! -
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