• It’s people in the world who change whom others don’t like that change. Although the Earth shifts and changes by itself that is something people should be accustomed to.
    • Army Veteran
      "..the Earth shifts and changes by itself..." - but you believe man-made climate change is real. Interesting...
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      There are many causes of climate change made by people but also climate change is caused by earthly things such as volcanic eruptions and the Earth’s orbit and rotation. Every cause of climate change is real whether it’s an earthly cause or a cause made by people
  • You think so? Ain't that grand? Everyone was calling for Socialism - "Socialism was going to be such a wonderful thing." They were warned against it - it has never worked anywhere else. They said, "We can handle it - it won't affect us that way." I wonder what went wrong...? Maybe it's time for Millennials and Democrat-supporters-in-denial to step aside and let the Conservatives who warned them fix the problem.
  • The world is always changing.
  • Yep, we are losing more of our freedoms under the guise of security. I grew up in an era where we had more freedoms, where as a child we use to find our own fun, where we could leave our doors open, and where there was a community spirit, where couples met face to face, so you can't blame us for trying to warn this generation how important those things are.
  • In case you haven't noticed, the world is broken. Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
  • IMHO the most major threat to our safety in replacement theory. It is a teaching that there is a danger white people will be replaced by minorities, Its been reported by many news sources the massacre at a Buffulo NY supermarket was done by a man who was for replacement theory. Plus I believe related better gun control to stop more of these horrific happenings. Lastly generally speaking effective mental health care. OTOH IDK if the shooter presented with a history of mental illness.
  • Agreed. That's why many people like to complain about the world issues. Every generation, every presidential election, the doom and gloomers come out to remind us of the golden age that their childhood has come and gone.

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