Yes, have done many times.
No. Some things are better left to the imagination. Especially when you still can't tell the gender even when they are nude because of their fat bellies covering their junk and fat man boobs. And the wrinkles!!! Ew!
I have been a nudist for over 30 years. It is an enjoyable lifestyle. Although I have not been to a nude beach I have been to many nude resorts in two countries. Body size doesn't mean much. I have seen women from toothpick size to one woman who weighed over 400 pounds. She stood about 4'10" tall, 4'10" thick and 4' 10" wide. Didn't bother her one bit and enjoyed herself. For what it is worth she was a grade 2 teacher.
Nope, cause of my Christian values
Professor Yaffle
I know many Christian naturists, including a minister, who don't see a conflict between their faith and naturism. Maybe different denominations have differing views? -
Another poor Christian who has been brainwashed by Gnostic teaching in their church.
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