Humans have been killing each other for centuries. Not much belief is required for what man naturally does. But most of man's atrocities were made in the name of God which is how the church became powerful during the dark ages.
Ask your exterminator. They kill every day.
Some do yeah, usually believing in one, leads to belief in the other.
Some do, some don't.
some of both probably ..murderers are just evil
Ask Freddy Krueger:
Either or. Religion and violence are connected in some way. Corrupt thoughts can lead to evil actions such as murder. When a person speaks of someone else’s fate according to their imaginary friend, it usually does not end well. Nobody has the right to decide who lives or dies. We are given life by our parents and have the right to live our own life without anyone trying to interfere with that right. We will all pass away in our own time but unfortunately there are people who kill other people because they are ugly inside with no respect for life.
Satan, of course. God said "Thou shalt not kill", didn't he?
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