• Anything other than unnecessary driving...
  • Thank God you voted for Biden and his "Build Back Better" program.
  • Watch the price of everything else go up because it takes gas to deliver it to the stores. Thanks Joe!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! How wise.
    • Army Veteran
      Actually, that's not entirely true - they tell the public that to justify higher gas prices. I personally know for a fact that gas prices near a refinery are often higher than hundreds of miles away.
  • Stop using gas. Plan and combine trips, eliminate trips/vacations. Get and keep your vehicle maintained esp. tire pressure and alignment if needed. Run, bike, skateboard, roller blade/skate to work or for short trips if you can, or take public transportation. Our busses run on natural gas. We really should open our pipeline back up and return to energy independence. And when the price of gas goes high enough it will be profitable to extract it from shale and we have plenty of that.
  • Quit voting for Democrats.
  • combine errands

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