You could write and suggest it to them, see what you get back.
โ Stevo
I don't live in the US, I'm just watching how you lot are destroying your country and can't work out why? Invest in drug addicts you will get more drug addicts everybody knows that. -
I don't live in the US either. But I have some knowledge of addiction, and rarely will a person quit unless they hit rock bottom. Hence, although providing the drugs they are addicted to appears an oxymoron, it stops those people committing crime to get their drug, even though it may be preventing them from hitting rock bottom. -
โ Stevo
my town invested in drug addicts and got more of them. Lots of my friends I grew up with overdosed and died young the problem with helping junkies is they give drugs to kids and the problem gets worse. . If the excuses for any crime is drugs .Cold turkey.
none are safe
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