I didn't know you could delete questions here, I thought that was the moderators job.
majority of the questions I've ever asked have been deleted -
Army Veteran
Maybe you should reflect on the kinds of questions you're asking. :) -
I don't even know who the moderator is?
Deleting questions is done at the admin level. Ad blockers won't make any difference. (Ad blockers? Is there an ad problem in here? I've never seen a single one.)
How does another user delete somebody else's questions or answers? I can't even delete comments I want to get rid of!
Army Veteran
Those who don't take responsibility for their own behavior always blame someone else. In this case, the person asking the question must have done so in an irresponsible or offensive manner and it was caught by admin and deleted. Not able to admit to his own failure, he blames everyone but himself. -
★Stevo was mostly deleted if the ad doesn't load no revenue
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