I know people are entitled to freedom of speech but this is offensive to me
Who attacks you ?take a cup of concrete
Most of the Conservatives attack me on questions
We have a bunch of GOOMBAS as administers on here just sitting back and collecting the money doing nothing! Feb.01.2022
β Stevo
is there any admin? How would they make money out of this site? Turn on your add blocker. -
Yeah I don't know if there is any admin on here -
Moving Violation
Got ad blocker for your information~they make tons of money from their advertisements Feb.02.2022 -
Army Veteran
Someone has to keep the lights on...
many people dont have any decency and if your opinion differs some dragged up people attack
Yes Pamela you are right thank you -
Army Veteran
You mean "many people are not Liberals". I never see Conservatives complaining about such things. Why is that? Why are Conservatives tolerant of liberal-minded views no matter how wrong they are, but Liberals get offended and want to censor Conservatives if they don't agree with everything?
Sorry DWW, I haven't seen this although I only pop on and off, I like you, and enjoy your contribution to the board, if people get personal and off topic, that's a problem on their part not yours.
Thank you @Creamcrackered -
Linda Joy
Exactly! You're offended far too easily. Who attacked you? Give some links and examples if you really want us to believe anyone attacked you!
DWw, First, I don't know of anybody who attacks you. You don't attack anyone else. You are the nicest person on this site. Second the people who are complaining about others are themselves the perpetrators of the calumny, so we again have a problem with truth.
Thank you @Hulk70156 -
Army Veteran
Wonderful speech, Hulk - how many times have you wanted to have Conservatives censored? (You've said such about me a couple of times.) If "people who complain are the perpetrators of the calumny", you, yourself, have done quite a bit of complaining. Ergo.. "...the problem with the truth" lies with you. LOL -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 Biden won the election. You should be censored because you lie. Biden won the election and no matter how many times you say "stop the steal" Biden won the election. Stop lying. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You're favorite tactic is trying to frustrate people by accusing them of the thing you are guilty of, in this example, its lying. Stop it. -
Linda Joy
How many times have I pointed out where you lied, Hulk? That was before I realized it changed nothing so now I just accept that you lie especially along party lines. But I agree its easier to see the faults of others over our own. Truth is its usually what we see in others that we don't like in ourselves that makes us dislike a person. -
Army Veteran
Hulk, If I lie (and I don't - but just going with that presumption for the sake of this discussion), shouldn't Biden be censored? Every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Your assessment of liars seems to rest on political party lines, doesn't it?
The fact that you targeted Conservatives in your complaint says nothing more than you are incapable of having a debate - you get offended when someone opposes your views. You may not have the stomach for this sort of thing. You might try a forum where there is more censorship. "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out - It doesn't matter much to me."
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Biden won the election. You guys are engaging in election fraud. You should be excluded from this site, not me. But you don't believe in truth do you. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - John Lennon, the author of Strawberry Fields was a liberal and a progressive. Why are you quoting him? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465- And fyi, there is nothing to debate. You lie, your 'facts' are wrong and it is impossible to say anything different. How can I debate someone who denies Biden won the election? I can't. Debate over. -
Linda Joy
If the debate is over why do you keep running up behind him to pick fights? -
Army Veteran
He likes the smell of my cologne. -
Army Veteran
Hulk - Am I supposed to denounce everything Lennon said and did just because he was a Liberal? You may not be able to find any redeeming qualities in someone with political views that are different than yours (you're a true-blue Liberal in that respect), but some of us non-sheep who think for ourselves can find something of value in our opponets from time to time - when there's something to see. -
Army Veteran
My facts aren't wrong. The evidence proving the 2020 fraud was hidden much better than the 2016 fraud that Hillary tried to pull off. But they're being exposed - like the hoax that Hillary paid for accusing Trump of collusion with Russia. Is that not ** FRAUD **? (What am I asking you for? All you ever do is deny everything.)
It just seems to be one of the hazards of online sites where strangers can interact with each other from behind a keyboard. Especially over politics. People get rude and nasty over their favorite "flavor" of political ideology or favorite politicians being abused by the other side. Civil dialogue is "as scarce as hens teeth" these days, IMHO. Just imagine you're sitting at a bar and the person sits next to you and starts in on you. Now, see your self standing up and knocking him off the barstool with a solid roundhouse. Apply that to your keyboard and type the hell out of them!
Thanks for sharing your comment -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Dialcocono, the reason I waste my time with people like 1465 is that there are some people who don't pay attention to the news or who only watch Fox who actually believe their lies, like Trump won the election. I'm here to help them. I don't know what 1465 thinks. He's irrelevant, its the people who he influences I care about. And here's another thing, Conservatives are the type of people who attack, and liberals are the kind of people who "Don't want to lower themselves to that level." That's a mistake. Liberals should be attacking too. We lose elections that way. -
Really, conservatives and liberals are just the 2 sides of the same old tarnished, worn political coin we Americans "flip" at our elections. Remember the "Who" and their song about "meet the new boss, same as the old boss".? That's how our political system works, IMHO. -
Linda Joy
Good answer AND comment, dalcocono! -
Army Veteran
Gee, Hulk. Maybe you're right. I forgot all about that Conservative group calling itself Black Lives Matter (and who was invited to Obama's White House) who terrorized some cities, assaulting anyone they couldn't force to say "Black Lives Matter". And let's not forget the "peaceful protests" supported in Conservative states like Oregon and Wisconsin (they *ARE* Conservative states, aren't they...?) And of course, we can't leave out the war on law enforcement that started under the Republican President Obama. Yessir, Conservatives are definitely the violent group, alright...
I'm not an Answerbag administrator, but to answer your question, as I saw it categorized under Answerbag questions: it is for the reason that trolls exist. You just have to toughen-up or ignore them. Finding an Answerbag administrator is worse than trying to find Waldo.
Thanks for sharing your comment -
Moving Violation
Answerbag administrators they are a bunch of GOOMBAS April 09 2022
I haven't seen any evidence of anyone attacking you. Please give examples so we can make an informed decision if someone is attacking you or if you just perceive it that way. I have, on the other hand, seen you complain OVER AND OVER about people being mean to you. And that behavior alone will cause people to see you as a whiner or a cry baby and not to like you. Plese be sure to distinguish its the behavior I'm talking about. I'm not attacking YOU! Personally I think its your perception that is off. You automatically think everyone is against you if they just disagree or examine YOUR BEHAVIOR. So, untill you can show me examples I won't believe anyone is attacking you. And if they are I'll defend you!
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