I don't have a credit card and I don't want one. All I need is my debit card. From gift buying to travel expenses: shoppers are racking up more credit card debt every year, and paying hefty interest rates on the growing tab.
Thanks for sharing
IF that's what they want to do and how they want to live, and IF they can afford to repay the credit card debt without themselves or their family suffering, then: I find little grounds for criticism. **I** don't do that, but then I have always been pretty careful and successful living within my means (even when that means was very little).
Thanks for sharing
people should cut up all their credit cards Make a budget ,and only live on the money they have..get rid of expensive phones for a starter ..and take a cut lunch
Thank you, Pamela
They have budgeting and probably self esteem issues they need to address. I personally have never gone in debt for Christmas gifts, but I have overspent trying to compensate after a divorce.
Thanks for sharing, Linda
Never goes out of fashion does it? The same thing every year.
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that's always been the case, since our society became credit based. buy now, pay later.
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