My friend Marty was in the hospital with Covid for one month and he got vaccinated months ago and he has health issues and is age 68.
A relatively strong vaccination rate is not enough alone to stop the spread of Covid.
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The same reason some people take paracetamol or codeine but still get headaches and pains. No medicine is 100% effective. Vaccines are just medicines, after all.
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That gives Anthony Fauci a boatload of credibility, doesn't it? But it won't deter the vaxers from following their Pied Piper to inject "whatever" into their systems. The medical profession has worked against natural immunity since it started hawking prescription medication. After a while, a person's natural immunity becomes damaged. I am 65 years old, and I only take medication for blood pressure (looking for a way to cure the problem since the medical profession doesn't seem interested in doing so. Why should they with so much money to be made?). I've avoided medications of all kinds my entire life and my immune system is still intact. I have not nor will I take the COVID vaccine. I plan to end 2021 alive and with my DNA intact.
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these breakthrough cases are just more evidence that 1. the vaccine is not effective and 2. the reason why the CDC changed the definition of "vaccine". I still want to know why it was necessary to use mRNA for the vaccine instead of the tried and true method of an attenuated vaccine? This just bolsters my belief that covid was man made in that Wuhan lab. the scientists there mutated a benign virus and made it virulent and highly contagious. and that Fauci knew, endorsed and funded the program. like 1465 said, I will rely on my own immunity. the jab can go to blazes! (P.S. and what are we on now, the 5th booster shot! LOL!)
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