Good luck to him, after all those years playing Kirk & pretending to be in space it's great he has this chance of a brief space flight.
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I wish him well
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I hope it won't be too stressful for him.
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Lets hope at his age he doesn't have to engage in fisticuffs anymore!
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I think it's awesome. I saw him on stage (live performance) 2 years ago. Terrific. I wish him the best of luck.
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"Beam me up, Scotty."
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(A) - barely space - - (B) - good for him - - (C) - wish I could afford to go (but I'd want to go on the one that goes higher)
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He deserves it. I think it's wonderful. if John Glen could go when he was 77, Shatner can go too. Huge Star Trek fan BTW.
Shatner loved to make fun of far-right whackos in his character role on Boston Legal. He often talks about that on stage. He's laughing at you now. -
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If I were his doctor I'd check to see if he's senile. If he's not senile than its his decision. I wish William Shatner my best what ever the outcome is.
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I don't understand why we like this man so much. From all accounts, even Leonard Nimoy the man was/is a complete asshat.
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