So, you prefer to not include Conservatives and promote mandatory vaccines. I hate to tell you this, but that's a Communist attitude - and if that's the kind of country you want, I'm sure you'll find your Utopia in China or North Korea. [] And Trump DID win the election. Biden's non-attendance campaign rallies were a good barometer to predict his popularity. After 4 unsuccessful years of failed attempts to get rid of Trump, even a schoolboy could see that he had the support of the voters. The so-called "temporary" 30-day mandates kept getting extended ILLEGALLY so that fraudulent mail-in balloting could be facilitated. Looking at Biden today and the disaster he's caused in his short time at the helm suggests the mems I've read are true: "There's no such thing as a Biden supporter - just a Trump hater." The Left couldn't get rid of Trump for 4 years - it will only take a few months to get rid of Biden. And Kommie Kamala.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Everyone has their own opinion. Be respectful even if you disagree. -
Army Veteran
So then you have no argument against those who don't believe the Holocaust to be real. There's no forensic evidence to support it. Passing off photos and using the power of suggestion along with stories from people who only assumed there were gas chambers but never actually saw them is presumptuous - and to promote such facts is "propaganda". Don't get me wrong, I'm not antisemitic - I support the Jewish culture more than you could imagine. But I understand some things that you couldn't fathom - things about a political movement that exploited them and threw them under the bus. Until you are willing to educate yourself on more than just what's being fed to you, then don't make any accusations about something you don't understand. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Maybe we should treat Trumpsters like Hitler treated the Jews..... -
Army Veteran
Maybe you should learn a little more about what you speak of. The "6,000,000"? Were they really exterminated? Again, where are the forensics? People today defend the COVID vaccines using the "look at the science" logic - where is the science to support gas chambers? It's there - people just don't want to see it because they've been taught to accept things a certain way and condemn anything that doesn't agree. To even discuss it on social media is a dangerous approach because social media today looks for any trigger they can find to censor people. "Censorship is what happens when powerful people get scared." - Michael Krieger -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465, Just for my own curiosity what did you think about the get-together on January 6th at the Capitol Bldg? Do you think Nancy Pelosi should have her office vandalized? -
Army Veteran
I agreed with none of it. I believe that there were a lot of overzealous Conservatives who acted out of frustration over the way they have been treated the past 4 years and also because of the fixed election - yes, it was fixed - you don't try to stop an investigation unless you have something to hide. The Left can deny and hide the evidence all they like but it was fixed. I also believe that there were a lot of activists there from the radical left provoking the violence - Conservatives never had a history of violent protests until that day, while Democratic-supported radical groups have had nothing *BUT* violence. It seems odd also, that Conservatives would be charged while anyone favored by the Democrats would be treated with more leniency - if they were even charged at all. I question also why the cop who murdered Ashley Babbitt is being protected and not charged while Derek Chauvin and others who were involved in the George Floyd matter were persecuted worse than Jesus Christ himself. No, Nancy Pelosi shouldn't have her office vandalized - she should have it raided by authorities and be charged with treason.
No. You making suggestions isn't going to change anything. And trying to get rid of everyone who disagrees with YOU is also a communist tactic.
Darling, people like you keep demonstrating that you haven't the faintest idea what Communism actually is. Get an education. It's so obvious that you don't have one. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Antivaxer/master died of Covid - Organizer of “The San Angelo Freedom Defenders,” Caleb Dies of Covid 18, He now asks public for help in supporting his 4 kids that he made fatherless. -
Linda Joy
Victorine, I'm not your darling. And I have a degree, so you don't know what you're talking about. And you really should stop with the personal attacks. Its against the terms of service. -
Linda Joy
Hulk, I've already told you I'm not an anti-vaxer or an anti-masker. I'm vaccinated and have worn a mask around others since before covid. I just don't believe people should be forced, they should have the right to accurate information and make decisions for themselves. Whatever happened to the liberal idea of my body my choice? Not that the child has a choice in the matter. I have never told anyone not to wear a mask or get a vaccine. That should be each individual's choice. -
Take your own advice, Linda. Oddly, you never do. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Linda Joy, Because giving people the choice not to wear a mask or get vaxed creates full hospital beds when we need them for other things, Nurses are quiting because of the work load. and it also creates dead people like Caleb Wallace an antivaxer who died with four kids. You kill people by saying they should have the choice not mask or vax. The choice not to vax is a death sentence. The vaccine is 10,000 safer than the disease. Go to Caleb Wallace's go-fund-me page if you disagree. -
Army Veteran
"Because giving people the choice..." - what happened to the "my body, my choice" assertions that are made about abortion? Or does that only apply to murdering babies? -
Linda Joy
Nurses are quitting because of the mandates that they have to be vaxxed as well. I haven't killed anyone. That's rediculous. I give at my church how I see fit. Man! You really have power and control issues! The public should be protected from you! You'd probably try and legislate how they should be allowed to chew if you thought you could!! -
Linda Joy
1465, My point was that the liberals holler my body my choice when it comes to abortion, but then deny this applies when it comes to medical decisions that should be left between a person and their doctors. -
Linda Joy
And yes, I will call this week to schedule my covid 19 vaccine 3! Have any of you gotten YOURS YET? -
Army Veteran
Didn't mean to repeat your reply - so many responses, I overlooked it. I agree, however. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Forget the hysterical political nuts; they are irredeemable and not worth bothering with for the time being. The real problems here are format-related. Yes, paragraph markers are essential, as are time/date-of-post indications. A serious search engine is needed, as are notifications. However, this is a very low-rent, low-quality site, and it seems that the site-owners/managers don't want to devote much time or attention to it. Don't expect serious improvements.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Thank you. -
Army Veteran
"Hysterical political nuts" = "Conservatives" - just to be clear. Let's not hide behind generalizations. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You got that right. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@Victorine: Like "However, this is a very low-rent, low-quality site, and it seems that the site-owners/managers don't want to devote much time or attention to it.: Like 1465 lying about the Holocaust IN PLAIN SITE and it BEING A DIRECT VIOLATION of the TOS and nothing is done. -
Army Veteran
"Questioning" and "Lying" are different things altogether. Surely someone as "enlightened" as you can tell the difference. But then, you can't even tell when election fraud is going on, can you? Since when is "follow the science" lying - when it opposes what you want to believe? It seems to be a strong enough argument when it promotes something that you support. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - What do you think Nuremburg trials were all about? Have you read the Nuremburg transcripts? Of course not. Have you talked to Holocaust survivors? Nope. You just blast happily away. Time to cork the bottle dude. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
People like you are why people like me need the ability to block. Everything you say is bizarre. -
Army Veteran
The Nuremberg trials were a sham - a dog & pony show. Anyone who is judged by their enemies will never receive a fair trial. Even a lot of Americans denounced the trial.
I would also add to my list 4) the ability to block certain people would create much less stress and 5) adding points. I know people don't think that is a good idea but I think it would add to interest to an answer and create better answers.
Army Veteran
I don't have a problem with blocking people. I just question why people would be on here if they don't like what they see. If all they want is to interact with people who think the same way as themselves, a question and answer forum is not the place to be.
nope ..all have rights to be here whether they believe in vaccinations or not..and they are not causing people to die,its the virus thats killing!
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
No sweetie, the virus, does kill you if its left untreated. Logic my dear, logic. lol
opinions are like arseholes everyone has one. Unfortunately your opinion means fuckall to me.
I've used that myself lol!
So anyone that may think differently to you, isn't that Totalitarianism? How are antivaxers causing people to die, they may cause themselves or their own to die, but if you are vaccinated you've got nothing to worry about. Trump would of been picked for president long before he was president, same as Biden, George Carlin exposed that, as did Cathy O'Brian. In relation to deeming that "these people" perform no useful function and just get the rest of us upset," firstly I read something similar in what Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood said quote:- My paper was suppressed and I was arrested and indicted by the Federal authorities. But owing to the vigorous protests of the public, and in an appeal sent by a number of distinguished English writers and thinkers, the case against me was finally abandoned, meanwhile “Birth control,” became the slogan of the idea and not only spread through the American press from coast to coast, but immediately gained currency in Great Britain. Succinctly and with telling brevity and precision “birth control” summed up our whole philosophy. Birth control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks-those human weeds that threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilisation. The backbone of the birth control movement has been from the time Malthus first published his epic making “Principles of Population,” essentially Anglo-Saxon, John Stuart Mill, Francis Place, Mathew Arnold, Thomas Huxley and our own Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Robert G Ingersoll, spoke openly in favour of control of the population. Today such thinkers and writers such as HG Wells, Harold Cox (editor of the Edinburgh review), Arnold Bennett, Dean Inge, William Archer, Havelock Ellis, Gilbert Murray, Bertram Russell, John Maynard Keynes (editor of the Nation) and lord Dawson one of the kings physicians and innumerable others in Great Britain, spoke openly and valiantly for birth control. It also echoes George Benard Shaws comments (Fabian socialist), that people who were of no use should be humanely gassed, he was a fan of Hitler and especially Stalin. All the people I've met who have not been vaccinated from Covid have to date, given a reasonable explanation for this, they are not ignorant, or crazy, they have looked at the other side of the argument, because in order to make an informed decision you need to weigh both sides of the argument. Some just don't want it because it's a new, experimental vaccine, with no idea of long term side effects. Other's have found that the math states that most people won't die of Covid if they catch it, some don't trust the companies making the vaccines most of which have been in billion dollar lawsuits and so would rather wait until governments hold Big Pharma accountable for any side effects. Some know that the very people promoting the vaccine, including scientists stand to make a lot of money as they have shares in it. Some don't like the idea of this particular vaccine overriding the bodies immune process by using RNA, and so then making our own bodies make the coronavirus, so their immune system can then fight against it, remember this vaccine isn't like any other vaccine we've had. Some have seen the whistle blowers which have been hushed, most of the people who have been vaccinated that I know, are afraid they may die, and are trusting of their government, others have been vaccinated but still have the doubt the government is not trustworthy. But it doesn't seem like you've had enough conversations to find out their reasons just that it differs from your own. And you don't have to take on board these people's opinions, you can just leave them alone, no ones forcing you to pick up the load you are doing that by choice. Herd mentality isn't ever the right answer, you'll often find you lose your freedoms when you start thinking the way you are. One of your presidents said "Anyone willing to give up their security for a little safety, will lose both and deserve neither," and yet we have all handed those over, we give them every single detail of our lives on social media. Edward Snowden said "Saying you don't care about your privacy because you've got nothing to hide, is like saying you don't care about your freedom of speech because you've got nothing to say..
Army Veteran
Some interesting points. You've painted the issue of birth control with quite a wide philosophical brush, I must say. -
The article was taken out of the New York times from a direct interview from Margaret Sanger. In the same interview she noted that the Nordic races are superior. This wasn't an uncommon belief and still emanates through organisations such as the Lucis Trust which was started by Alice Bailey and her 33rd degree Freemason husband, inspired by Madam Blavatsky's work, who believed the Aryan race to be the superior race of the fifth root, there are seven root races, from The Seven Root Races Of Man.
I was with you until #2. You're no better than the leftists destroying this country. why don't you go curl yourself around Biden or Zuckerberg's legs.
Army Veteran
LOL. In the event you haven't already noticed, if he leaned any more Left, he'd topple over. I'd concur with #3, also (the second number three for the rest of you who don't know how to count). -
Army Veteran
I would also suggest creating a paragraph format. Answers in a single paragraph can be a long and drawn-out read that gets boring rather quickly. Separating thoughts into paragraphs breaks comments up into smaller segments that are more easily digestible.
RE: 1465, Linda Joy, Charin Cross, Creamcrackers et all: What's really behind not wanting to wear a mask, what makes you think you are better than the rest of us?
Army Veteran
I don't know about the rest of whom you mention, but as for me, I don't believe everything I'm told - I believe what I can prove. If that makes me "better" than the rest of you sheep, then so be it. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 there is lots of proof masks work, you are just too stubborn to accept it. Stop watching Fox. Your attitude will improve. I promise. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
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