OH my goodness this covid is wicked!
Yes I am scared to be honest -
Linda Joy
Don't believe everything you hear. Only 5 states have mask mandates.
California, maybe. But Texas and Florida will never put up with such stupidity.
Thank you for your kind comments
My state's governor has already said our state will not be adopting the CDC's new guidelines. Including the schools. Schools will be in person, and unmasked.
Thank you for your kind comments
Only in the stupid states, Florida, Arkansas, Mississippi and the rest of the Confederacy. They lost in 1865 and they've been fighting to overturn the decision since ever since.
Linda Joy
Not true. Alabama does NOT have a mask MANDATE. And you might want to check out this link before calling all the confederate states stupid. There's a lot of the western states near the bottom of the list, ie California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska... I think if you split it down the middle and look at 25 and below you may be surprised at what you see. And seldom does anyone here talk about the confederacy. All they care about is how many times we've won the NCAA football conference championship! (eye roll) -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@Linda Joy: Texas and Florida have the highest rates of covid in the USA. They are also against Mask Mandates. Smart people can figure this out. __ __and I'm not saying everyone in the South is stupid, just the majority, lol __And according to that link, all the states of the Confederacy are below 35th in their IQ score. Read your own data before you post it. lol
they meant in stores, concerts etc. anyplace there are many, many people.
Army Veteran
Do take note that none of this started until the Left's final attempt to destroy Trump's administration failed. The entire term of the Trump administration saw this country revert into a third-world nation of violent revolutions. Not because of Trump or his policies, but because the Democrats wigged out when Hillary lost in 2016 and went on a 4-year vendetta. You know this because they threatened to impeach him even before he was sworn in - and spent 4 years trying. -
Thank you Charin Cross & Hulk7015
Says who? Only FIVE (5) states have mask mandates. The CDC RECOMMENDS, it doesn't make mandates.
It's easy like Summer Morning -
Linda Joy
Lol you're so silly! Were you referring to Lionel Richie's "SUNDAY Morning"? And the lyrics I'm easy like Sunday morning? Love me some Lionel Ritchie! Here it is, lyrics and all!
Keep your fingers crossed - it might happen.
Thanks for your comment well appreciated :)
Thanks for your comment well appreciated :) -
I don't understand the question. "Did you hear in the United States, their going to require mask indoors?" Their what is going to require mask indoors? What is the word "their" referring to? Whatever it is you've missed it out.
We need to get this Delta under control. I'll do whatever it takes.
Thanks for your comment well appreciated and I do agree with you
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