• I was on Yahoo Answers for about 11 years. I think Answerbag is a great website but Yahoo Answers was one of a kind that I would have preferred any day. Now that Yahoo Answers is going to shut down on May 4th, I am using Answerbag as an alternative for answering and asking questions.
    • Arimatthewdavies
      Anyway welcome. I too am sorry to see Yahoo taken down. But it had so many pedophile questions and answers and so many things about God and Jesus that were considered hate questions that it was inevitable that a court order made them closed down! Of course that's what they wanted in the first place. They wanted to get rid of the majority of people that were just hanging on Yahoo's coattails and not spending any money. So they let everybody talk nasty until law enforcement came around and said you either shut down or pay two billion freaking dollars billion in fines
      Yeah. I'm working on a Y!A clone...IF I can get a certain software provider to get their software to work. This site lacks several features that I found convenient in Y!A. IF I get my site off the ground, it should have all of the Y!A features that I am missing here.
    • Arimatthewdavies
      I certainly wish you the best of luck and getting your sight running
    • Celifrog
      I feel the worst for Pearl L she literally had like 300 thousand answers. It must be the most painful for them. Sad :) I was there for a really long time too.
    • James
      Does Pearl L have a big butt? Does she!?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Rolexeo, Shadowfire was a different user on Y/A
    • Arimatthewdavies
      I see no chance without Jesus has made it over here and I want to say welcome to you
    • Shadow Of The Mind
  • I was on Yahoo Answers for about 10 years. I think Answerbag is a great website but Yahoo Answers was one of a kind that I would have preferred any day. Now that Yahoo Answers is going to shut down, I am using Answerbag as an alternative for answering and asking questions.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Hi. I notice you copied and pasted my answer and edited some parts.
    • Charin Cross
      yeah, I noticed that too. odd....
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      It proves that some people can’t think of using their own words so they like to copy someone else
  • I am. not a bad place ya got here.
  • I'm from Yahoo Answers too. I mostly posted in Polls and Surveys.
  • Well thank you everybody that answered well here we are and thus begins another era I hope everybody gets along with each other and doesn't slit each other's throats
  • I was with Yapoo for near 20 years, it's their site they can do whatever, but it seems a little regressive not trying to sell it after being in business for so long πŸ˜…
    • Celifrog
      I bet if they never sold to Verizon Yahoo Answers would still be around.
  • I was on Yahoo Answers for around 10 years.
  • I was on yahoo answers from 2013 to April 20th of this year. It's very painful to have it gone. :/ This site sure makes moving on from that a little easier.
  • yes im from there and i miss the site seeing i was there from 2006
  • I'm here from Yahoo Answers. I didn't know this site even existed. It's been o.k. so far. Yahoo! is dying a slow death.
  • Yes, lots! And apparently they don't like it and want to change it into Yahoo Answers which died for a reason.
  • Yes, I was GodsLOL there for much of the time.
  • Oh I Suppose so πŸ˜„
  • Yahoo Answers is a thing of the past. I have tried it back in 2010. I really didn't like it. Answerbag is my source for asking questions and sharing answers. It is good to see people from Yahoo Answers migrating to Answerbag. More people on this site calls for more discussions.
  • I was on YA for years, though I pretty much stuck to just a couple of categories. I've seen a number of YA refugees here and on Similar Worlds.
  • I haven't bothered with it for ages, it wasn't worth it. It was full of anonymous trolls with multiple sockpuppet accounts posting the same old crap over and over. I know I've had more than one account on certain sites myself but at least I'm not anonymous about it, I make it rather obvious which accounts are mine by getting the usernames from the same source.

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