Both. I know it sounds odd to say this, but good because the German economy was in total collapse and was almost bankrupt after WW1, until Hitler capitalized on economic issues, popular discontent and political infighting to take full control of Germany in 1933. And bad because of his hostility towards the Jews, the Nazi atrocities, along with his program of world conquest.
But the prewar recovery was funded by deficit spending and confiscation of funds and Hitler expected war plunder and forced labor to make up the difference. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Actually, the US made much of a difference in forced labor among African American slavery. Quote: "Hitler expected war" Trump started a trade war with China which can lead to WW3. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
More in America, the US continues to make a difference in towns and cities were people are forced to perform jobs against their will. They work in agriculture, manufacturing and many other industries, including the sex trade which are hidden in plain sight, in the fields picking fruits and vegetables or working on construction sites. -
Slavery was a travesty, and a war was fought largely because of it. Sex trade and other examples are not directed by the government. You might point out that FDR confiscated funds with Executive Order 6102 which prohibited "hoarding" gold, then Proclamation 2039 which extended the prohibition to silver, but citizens were compensated somewhat. -
Linda Joy
O.k. Jenny you're completely off topic now. This is not a place to list your grievances with the US. Its about HITLER. And there's noting wrong with an honest day's work no matter what you do. Regardless your job and what you think you are no better than any other worker. Isn't that what socialism teaches you? Better get ready cuz y'all just voted it in!! You wouldn't have anything to eat if people weren't out there picking fruits and you'd have no place to live if it weren't for the construction trade! What did you have in mind, doing away with jobs no one wants to do? Think!! Facepalm! -
Linda Joy
And in America no one is forced to do any job. And when they do they are assisted as needed with income bases programs. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
mushroom, quote: "Slavery was a travesty, and a war was fought largely because of it." Mount Vernon was the home of George Washington who is considered the greatest president in US history. It was also home to hundreds of enslaved men, women and children who lived there under Washington’s control. Knowing a war was fought, it didn't mean much in the sense that African American people are still being oppressed in this new era. Quote: "Sex trade and other examples are not directed by the government." But the US government turns a blind eye to policies that fuel sex. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "O.k. Jenny you're completely off topic now. This is not a place to list your grievances with the US." Your remarks are narrow-minded, cause it is bad of Hitler to have had forced labor, but it is okay for the US to own slaves and create a system of forced labor????????????????????? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, in many forced labor documentaries in the US, there are thousands of immigrants working in forced labor in the US - lured into the country by false promises and then trapped or threatened by their employers so that they're unable to leave. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "And in America no one is forced to do any job." Think again: -
Linda Joy
Who forced them to come here illegally? And you're still not talking about Hitler, but bashing America for what the illegal immigrants are doing!! You've lost a few marbles! Why don't you give them each one of your million dollar purses, hypocrite! You don't give a shit about any of them!! You just want to continue to collect all your luxurious things!! If you really cared about them you'd give to them instead of yourself! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, who forced the Jews to spread into Europe? The largest Jewish communities were in Poland with about 3 million Jews. Nazi Germany created one of the largest forced labor systems in history. The ghettos served as bases for utilizing Jewish labor, not to mention the concentration camps as also seen in the US. I'm not bashing America, I'm just calling it fair in response to mushroom's double-standard. -
Army Veteran
"And bad because of his hostility towards the Jews, the Nazi atrocities, along with his program of world conquest" - don't you find it interesting that one man can be such a benefit for his people but such a tyrant toward the rest of the world? Hitler wanted nothing more than to restore Germany to the status it had before WW1 and the Versailles Treaty - as an equal trade partner with every other country. How can he ever hope to accomplish this goal if he turns on the Jews, commits atrocities, and tries to rule the world? Could it be that this concept was nothing more than hate propaganda? The part concerning the Jews isn't all wrong, but it isn't all right, either. What people don't understand is there are "Jews" and there is what's known today as "the Jewish mafia" (Zionists). The Italians weren't the only ones who had a criminal aspect known as the Mafia. The Jewish mafia is a modern-day movement composed of leeches. They advocate defending Jewish causes as a "cover" to hide their own activities (anything political). They need the Jews to justify their own existence. They're the cause of Jewish persecution in many cases. By creating situations in which Jews are treated unfairly, they come in as nights on white horses to "save the day", thereby getting credit for defending Jews from events that they themselves caused. This, in turn, justifies their existence and draws attention away from their other activities involving world politics. ¶ Thinking along these lines, ask yourself why the Nazis only had gas chambers in Poland - why not in Germany, too? How is it that an invisible border could make such a difference in the way Jews were treated? Here's the answer: Gas Chambers never existed until after the Soviets liberated Auschwitz. After the Soviets liberated Poland, the western allies were never allowed in to investigate - so there was never any proof of gas chambers except on the word of the Soviets. And who hated the Germans more than the Soviets? Why is it so inconceivable that the gas chamber claims were made up in order to condemn Germany in the eyes of the world? The western allies just took their word for it (their hatred for Germany was immense, as well). Thus, Germany is tried for violations of the Geneva Convention and is tried, not by a jury of its peers, but by their enemies - a guarantee that they would be found guilty. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Army Veteran, quote: "don't you find it interesting that one man can be such a benefit for his people" I did say Hitler did a lot for the German people. But when he was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 following a series of electoral victories by the Nazi Party, he gained power and crushed the nation’s democratic institutions and transformed Germany into a war state intent on conquering Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race. Quote: "Gas Chambers never existed until after the Soviets liberated Auschwitz." You cannot disprove the existence of the gas chambers in Auschwitz and in the other Nazi death camps in Poland. What you have are emotions to discredit the Jews. Take a visit to the Auschwitz museum and you will see the gas chambers rooms, other gas chambers the Nazis blew up to hide the evidence and the largest collection of Holocaust-era artifacts than any other museum. -
Army Veteran
"... he gained power and crushed the nation’s democratic institutions and transformed Germany into a war state intent on conquering Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race." Sure he crushed the democratic institutions - he had no use for democracy. He saw how a democratic nation like the United States was such a wealthy country but left most of the people in poverty. He wanted no part in that kind of government. The Socialist government he set up benefitted all Germans, not just the elite. ¶ "...and transformed Germany into a war state intent on conquering Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race." - is that so? "Judea Declares War on Germany" - March 24, 1933. Britain declares war on Germany - September 1, 1939. Both Poland and the Soviet Union wanted to attack Germany (the Soviets tried to enlist Britain's help in August 1939 but Britain's forces were too insufficient. This is why Stalin signed the Non-Aggression Pact with Germany - to bide time until Britain could build its military). Poland wanted to attack Germany as well, but like the Soviets, their military was too small. They did, however, provoke the German invasion after Britain promised to come to their aid in the event of an attack. The "promise" was never honored because Britain's forces were too small. They knew this but offered to help Poland anyway. This proves that Britain baited Germany to attack so that they would be justified in declaring war. Hitler tried numerous times to avoid the war before he was pulled into it and after it started also. So where do you get "...transformed Germany into a war state intent on conquering Europe? ¶ I have never discredited the Jews - and I never will. I can prove not a single Jew or anyone else was murdered in a gas chamber. I can also prove that it was typhus and other disease epidemics that killed most of the Jews - not Zyklon B. As to the artifacts on display, it is you who are thinking emotionally. The curators of the narrative have those items on display to exploit people's emotional responses. I might have mentioned this before, but a pile of personal belongings proves only one thing - they once belonged to someone. Unless they contain bullet holes or other physical damage, they prove nothing. But people see the articles and listen to the sad story that goes with them and they become believers. ¶ "Follow the science". Remember hearing that all through the pandemic? Apply that to this event. Where are the forensic records of the gas chamber victims? How can Zyklon B be proven? It can't, and that's why they have to rely on inanimate objects and emotional exploitation to present their case. ¶ You do check out links, don't you? If so, then explain this: Note the date of the publication - January 8, 1945. Auschwitz wasn't liberated by the Soviets until January 27, 1945. How did the guy who wrote the article know that there would be 6,000,000 Jews dead 19 days before the Soviets knew anything about the (so-called) gas chambers in Auschwitz? Did he have a crystal ball that let him see into the future? More than likely, he was basing his total on the "6,000,000 / extermination" theme that had been inundating the media since the turn of the century. When the world is spoon-fed a sympathetic narrative about Jewish persecution for more than 30 years, they tend to believe it as fact. “Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” - Leo Tolstoy -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The Socialist government he set up benefitted all Germans, not just the elite." Hitler’s political audacity, and one of the new chancellor’s first acts was to use the burning of the Reichstag building as a pretext for calling general elections. The police under Nazi Hermann Goering suppressed much of the party’s opposition before the election, even by executions. Since you want me to look at your tinyurl link, why did Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann who was one of the major organizers of the Final Solution flee to South America if the Holocaust of 6 million Jews never happened???
Good: He invented the interstate and as much as people complain about it (face it if it weren't that it would be something else, all people do nowadays is complain! They don't offer solutions, just complain) it was a genius idea. Bad: He was an elitist and even he didn't measure up to his idea of perfection. He did not value life or people. He didn't understand that the potential of each individual should be maximized to raise the value of the entire country. Even if he hated these people its stupid to kill off your tax base!
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's one positive remark you have said about Hitler. I am a WW2 expert who has discussed this subject numerous times in many forums. Hitler did order a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of politicians in whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies. Although no one can't say that Hitler did not do anything good for Germany. He simply won the people over by the German election in 1932. Most Germans accepted basic premises of the Nazi worldview: the distinction between friend and foe, the view that Germans had almost been destroyed as a people at the end of WW1. -
Army Veteran
"The most precious possession you have in the whole world is your own people." - Adolf Hitler -
Army Veteran
WW2 expert: where did you get the idea Hitler had a program of world conquest? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Army Veteran, the very quote of Hitler proves he wanted to conquer the world by thinking the Aryan race were superior and without limits to possess anything they desired. -
Army Veteran
If Hitler thought the Aryan race was superior, then Winston Churchill also thought the Aryan race was superior: "The Aryan stock is bound to triumph." - Winston Churchill, Speech and interview at the University of Michigan, 1902. ¶ On the contrary, the Jews (politically speaking) believed themselves to be "the aristocrats of the world". It was they who believed themselves to be superior. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yeah, but Churchill did not get carried away like Hitler, causing him to immediately invade Poland in 1939 to start WW2. *Facepalm*
What are your thoughts? Good or bad?
Linda Joy
I think you're a narcissist and a hypocrite. Prove me wrong. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are easily disproved, since I'm not perfect and thus, judge not lest ye be judged.
The Versailles Treaty was intended to cripple Germany indefinitely (they made the final payment on the reparations in 1972). The treaty destroyed Germany's economy and the payments were re-negotiated a number of times. Meanwhile, the Weimar administration took over at a time when Germany was little more than a puppet state with Britain and the Soviet Union fearful of each other's influence over Germany - revolutionary groups were commonplace. Add to this the Jewish destruction of Germany's economy on the domestic level between 1919 and 1933, and you had high unemployment (30%), homelessness, and starvation among the German people. The Jews, on the other hand, were buying businesses and real estate for pennies on the dollar. This went on for 14 years until Hitler stepped up to offer relief to the German people. He wanted nothing more than to see the terms of the Versailles Treaty repealed and return Germany to the respectable country it had been before WWI. But since political and economic power lay in the hands of the Jews, he had to take serious measures to take it away from them and put it back into the hands of the Germans. This is when Zionism (aka the "Jewish mafia") got upset. Just 53 days after Hitler assumed the position of Chancellor, they declared war on Germany and began their hate propaganda that included accusations of exterminating Jews. Mainstream scholars claim that Hitler brainwashed the German people into following him. That is absolutely untrue. It was 14 years of oppression under the thumb of the Jews that convinced the German people to follow Hitler. He did more to turn Germany's economy around in just 6 years (unemployment dropped from 30% to just 3%) than FDR and the rest of the world were able to do after the start of the Great Depression. Hitler never wanted to exterminate Jews - he just wanted them out of the country. That's why he agreed to the Haavara Agreement in 1933 ("the Solution to the Jewish question") until it was canceled due to the war, and then wrote the Wannsee Protocol in 1942 ('the Final Solution to the Jewish Question" - no, the "Final Solution" was not the plan to exterminate Jews. That claim is nothing but propaganda. The plan contains not a single word about exterminating Jews or anyone else). With just these few facts, a solid case can be made that Hitler's intentions were nothing like what he was accused of.
You are kidding, aren't you??? Adolph Hitler was one of the most evil people living in the 20th century. More people died needlessly through his policies than any despot or serial killer you can name in that century. And then he left his country in ruins!
No comments from Army Veteran please. Thank you. -
Army Veteran
"More people died needlessly through his policies..." - You really should read a book called "Hellstorm - the death of Nazi Germany". The video used to be available on Youtube before it was censored - it's still available on Why do you suppose it was censored? Why has everything that depicts WW2 from the German perspective been censored? Are there not two sides to every story? Obviously not. The facts surrounding what happened in WW2 encompass a one-sided narrative. Anyone who tries to examine facts contrary to that narrative is blocked by censorship. The truth fears no investigation - lies do. Most people don't understand what happened because they've been fed a one-sided narrative their whole lives and to be presented with new facts that are contrary to what they've always believed causes cognitive dissonance. -
Since I actually like you when you're not delving into political issues (old or current), I've decided that I will remain respectful if I don't read your posts on such subjects which is why I put the comment above. I will not be reading your post. Can we agree just not to engage on these things?
Samantha, what good thoughts do you have about Adolph Hitler?
Jenny The Great ⭐
I don't think Samantha is an active member.
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