It is illegal to criminalize a religion. What can be prosecuted are criminal acts of individuals and businesses. They are two completely different things. Would you like to discuss this or are you just going to throw out half truths and never give a shred of support for your hypothesis? Do you have a link you'd like to post? I can explain how to post a link if you don't know how. PM me. that goes for anyone at least while I have time and energy to do so. Just click my name. email is in the profile.
Linda Joy
Some radical Muslims want everyone to be punished according to their laws. Not just their people. I do not wish to live by sharia rule and Muslim law. I'm an American and I cherish my right to believe what I choose for myself and I think each individual should be allowed to choose for themselves as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of another. I do not believe women are property. They are children of God. I would quickly be executed under their law because I don't play that! -
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Which President tried to criminalize a religion?
Army Veteran
For some odd reason, I have the feeling that Trump will have had something to do with it. -
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By the way, "Muslim" is not a religion. A muslim is a person who practices Islam.
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there not a good president and its against the law
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He is a racist.
Islam is not a race. It is a faith that encompasses all races. -
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They are bigots.
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Some religions have, indeed, been "criminalized" in the U.S. These are religions that, according to U.S. courts, induce their followers to engage in terrorism or other group-wide violent behavior against society. It's actually VERY DIFFICULT in the U.S. to have a religion classified by the courts as illegal...but several religions HAVE been so classified. For example: Aum Shinrikyo has been classified as a terrorist organization and because of that legal status it is NOT legal to be a member of that religion in the U.S. (That is: U.S. courts view belonging to the religion as the equivalent of belonging to a terrorist organization, which of course is not legal in the U.S.) *** Several other religious groups have been so classified, including several Muslim groups (for obvious example: Al Qaeda and ISIS). Note that in FEW cases is "the whole religion" so classified. (Aum Shinrikyo is one such).
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That happened in 2017 when Trump signed an executive order banning people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the US. It was done because of the extreme Jihadists.
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