Never heard of her. good luck.
Doesn't she know he's been dead for almost 175 years? Just goes to show how hard some people will look for things to be offended about! And no, its not at all 'helpful'! If she wants to help native Americans she should use the time, effort, and money she'll waste on this project actually doing something that will HELP THEM, instead of promoting her political agenda.
Archie Bunker
If you want to see socialism at work, take a look at Indian reservations. That's working out just splendidly for them. But I think most of the idiots that bring up stuff like this are just trying to play to a base of voters. We all know the lie of genocide towards the Indians that they keep talking about is utter nonsense and yet they'll keep talking about it to fire up their uninformed voters. I think they rely on the dumb ones. -
Linda Joy
Either that or the guilty rich that want to talk the talk but not live the socialism.
"Is this really helpful?" I don't think so. "Are we gonna outlaw the $20 bill?" I don't think so. "Does it matter he was a Democrat?" I don't think so. "Is this just another way to perpetuate the "Indian genocide" myth?" I don't think the "Indian Removal" policies, laws, nor programs, nor the "Trail of Tears" were myths. About 18% of native people in the USA were killed by these policies during Jackson and van Buren, and almost all of the rest were displaced from their home lands.
Archie Bunker
I agree it's not helpful, it's not going to change anything and they conveniently forget the Democrat part (as usual). The Indian policies were to place the Indians on reservations, not exterminate them and the myth goes. The vast majority of Indians were killed by disease. Diseases which they had no immunity for, which is why when the settlers arrived on the East Coast, many of the Indian villages had already been decimated. And when you want to talk about homelands, the Indians were slaughtering each other in droves, decades before the whites arrived in North America. They were killing each other over land, like almost every other civilization in history. Conquest is what drove most of them. Despite what many tribes think, they did not just sprout up out of the ground. Many tribes look at an area as their homeland, but only got that buy killing or driving out those that were there before. -
Smallpox was well understood long before that time, so knowingly spreading disease then was as despicable as knowingly spreading it today. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"The Indian policies were to place the Indians on reservations, not exterminate them and the myth goes." Umm, well, no. The removal policy was to save them, but the other policies of the era were to wipe them out. Jackson fashioned himself as a savior, by pushing the removal policy through, he believed that he was preserving native cultures, because he thought they were going extinct on their own. Much of what he believed, though, was wrong. "The vast majority of Indians were killed by disease. Diseases which they had no immunity for, which is why when the settlers arrived on the East Coast, many of the Indian villages had already been decimated." Are you trying to say that diseases brought from the new world decimated native populations before the settlers arrived?! "They were killing each other over land, like almost every other civilization in history. Conquest is what drove most of them." Actually, no. Most of the North American tribes had no cultural concept whatsoever regarding land ownership nor territory. Their resources were much more basic than those of the settlers: food, water, animal hides... that's basically all. These people were driven across the continent by those needs only. They had no writing systems, no metallurgical skills, nothing like that, so they had no concept of borders or land titles. East of the Mississippi, they didn't even have any permanent settlements, so your suggestion that they were fighting over conquest is frankly idiotic. A nomadic group living off of hunting and gathering gains nothing of value by fighting wars, as all they have of value is their own people, a few simple tools, and animal hides. Most Eastern native tribes didn't even kill each other when they did reach a conflict over resources, but preferred to assimilate able-bodied people in to the winning tribe.
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