None. My 'yard' is about 6' by 2' in front of the patio and they just put down straw and planted some plants a day or two ago. Monkey grass I think, but I haven't really looked close. Beside the patio is a patch in front of my bedroom window where 3 AC units sit and they planted some kind of bush in the only open space there was beside the ac's. Most of the people in our unit are adults but kids do run through the breezeways and play in the parking lot some, and the pool if its open.
Rick Myres
My back yard WAS all fenced in until I took the fence down at the alley to be able to park in back. I love to hear the laughter of children. -
Linda Joy
I just don't like when they scream and I can't tell if its from pain or joy! lol -
Rick Myres
They are children only once just like I was. . . . don't know if you was grown up as soon as you was born. 😜 -
Linda Joy
Having been molested as a toddler I didn't get much of an innocent childhood. Especially when I was working as a full time child care provider at 12! But I did the best I could with what I had!
As many that wants to...When it snows, they even sleigh ride down it.
Linda Joy
In Kentucky? How often do you get snow there? -
Are you kidding? Every winter that I can remember... -
Linda Joy
I guess you are 5 degrees farther north than we are. I didn't realize it was that big of a difference. We don't normally get much snow, but we have had some surprises!
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