• sounds like it
  • It takes up to 30 days to clear US Customs to determine if there is duty (taxes) on the item.
  • Yes, things from China take a long time, in fact it might take longer than the time allowed to return them.
  • One of the main reasons buying globally isn't a good idea is the way they do their shipping. What they do when the item reaches a major shipping hub is, toss it into a bin until that bin gets full. If you're lucky enough to have it land in a bin that's been sitting there for a while, you could get the item in a relatively short time. If the bin it lands has a lot of space left, you could be looking at months before it gets full enough to ship. The USPS has a similar shipping method called "economy". Never ship "economy" and when shopping online, always check the "US Only" box. You might pay a few bucks extra for it, but that's the trade-off. US shippers have already purchased items in bulk and have them on hand. So you get it sooner but pay a little more for it.
    • Army Veteran
      And Mumbai is in India, not China.
  • Ever Since Trump put that FedEx stock holder kingπŸ˜• in charge of the USPO, Louis DeJoy- the mail has been very slow. It used to take 5 days to go to LA to NYC. Now its over two weeks.
    • Army Veteran
      That's "USPS", Mr. Vocabulary.

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