maybe you can get both
If you are going to purchase some kitchen toys for your child there are a few things that you need to think about. First, you need to determine if you want to get metal or plastic and this depends on your child. If you think that they can handle it, then choose metal since it will last longer, but understand that this can be the more expensive option. If you think that they will play with the toys for just a few days then opt for plastic.
Wooden. Plastic toys are bacteria magnets and also release carcinogens. Metal toys are prone to rust and can be dented into sharp edges.
That's true also of synthetic cutting boards. Wood has natural antibiotic characteristics.
Forget plastic. Go natural
Plastic. I work as a secretary for a children's mental health center were health comes first. The issue with metal is that even small amounts of lead and mix-ins can be harmful to children if put in their mouth.
The kitchen is a very dangerous place to let your children play! I wouldn't let my kids in the kitchen until they are old enough to know how to use a knife safely.
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