Yoga/meditation are at the top of my list, followed closely by a full-body massage when I need a real boost! Godiva chocolate helps in a pinch, too!
Totally with you on this
I play video game. Its an alternate reality!
I like to run.
i go practice pitching against my house the madder i am tho the harder it is lol :) but soon i forget about the problems- and just worry about that strike zonee :)
I go for a swim.
Either take a nap or read a book.
I either swim, run, or read a book.
Run :)
Sleep. Or become really busy doing anything.
I do a bunch of things, but one of my favorites is to play the old fame FFVIII, It's been around 7 years, and I still havn't beaten the POS!
AB for a bit! lol. I mostly play some video games and read. I also find it very therapeutic to do laundry, piles of neatly folded, clean clothes and towels make me happy. :)
I go out to my work shop and build something.
I immerse myself in a favorite hobby.
bottle of captain morgan usually does the trick...
I drink until I pass out! No, no I don't. Reading seems to help me escape, although sometimes my mind still wanders.
All of it. A busy mind doesnt multi task. Write, read, binge watch movies, walk the dogs at the shelter, anything that tequires you to get outside of yourself or focus on something else.
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