My bedroom. I've made it a place I'd want to spend my time in.
Linda Joy
How so? What have you done to make it more enjoyable? -
It's XXX rated. My DVD system plays only my favorite shows with some of the machines designated as adult channels. My bedroom computer can do anything (except connect to the internet). I can photoshop, edit videos, play games, or anything else you can dream up. -
Linda Joy
Well, I've heard it said one man's trash is another man's treasure! Guess its fitting though; a man cave for caveman thinking?
Depends how shy you are.
Linda Joy
ME? SHY? Surely you jest! -
I suppose the joke was lost on you. In the UK "man cave" is a euphemism for a "woman's genitals". So asking that question would mean inviting someone to put their hand down your knickers -
Linda Joy
Perhaps you should educate yourself on what the rest of the world considers a man cave. So you don't embarrass yourself again, silly. man cave noun humorous a room or other part of a home regarded as a refuge for the man or men of a household. -
By that definition jshm22 still has it right. -
Linda Joy
So now you've denigrated a woman to nothing more than a housing structure? You two disgust me!
not sure what you mean by that
my basement
a cave for nnen
My husband's extra room - I call it his Playroom - he's got some tv's, PS4 or whatever game's a dude's palace.
From my Dominatrix experience, I'd say a dungeon. :)
Hmm, I dunno. What's the point of living in a cave as a hermit if you allow other men to come visit?!
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