• It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. See if you can guess what I am now. I'm a zit. Get it? And a lot of things can happen to dogshit. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground. It can dry up and blow away in the wind. Or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice and be careful where the dog shits ya! I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another. What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? What do you mean? An African or European swallow? Huh? I... I don't know that.
  • In Aliens 2, a jerk Marine is watching the female Marine Vasquez do pullups, and says "Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?" She says "(puff, puff) No. Have you?"
  • What would he be doing in the red light district?...Sex Frank?...Not now we have work to do. -Naked Gun See you around...Fuck you. -Once upon a time in Mexico From this distance the exit wound would be the size of a small tangerine. -Phonebooth Are you a peter puffer?...Sir no sir!...Bullshit I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose! -Full Metal Jacket Just keep your powder dry and your pecker hard, and the world will turn. -Platoon
  • "I'm Ricky Bobby, if you don't chew Big Red then fuck you" - Talladega Nights
  • 1. "I'm Ricky Bobby, if you don't chew Big Red then fuck you" - Talladega Nights 2. "I'm way too baked to drive to the devil's house." - Grandma's Boy 3. "You! You can run, but you can't hide!" - The Road Warrior 4. "My breasts can always tell when it's going to rain...well, they can tell when it's raining." - Mean Girls 5. "You don't need that chicken shit gun, put a KNIFE in me." - Commando
  • I can't come up with five, but my absolute favourite at the moment has got to be this one: "You know there's nothing worse than roadside surgery, you don't have your own tools, and it's just... It's murder. I performed a tracheotomy with a ballpoint pen and... Oof, I've been busy." -Tom Waits in the movie Coffee and Cigarettes (In the course of explaining why he was late).
  • "Jesus, he brought a six shooter." "There's nine bodies genius." "What the fuck were you going to do, laugh the last three to death, Funny-man?" - Boondock Saints "Do you remember what you told me once? That every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around." "I'll find you again." "I'll see you in another life... When we are both cats." - Vanilla Sky "I, myself, subscribe to the European philosophy of life, my priorities leaning towards wine, women and.. Well, that's about it. However, women and women is always a pleasurable alternative." - Alfie "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?" - Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind I can't think of a fifth..
  • 1) YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH-"A few Good Men" 2) He did what in his cup- "Cars" 3) I'm Not even supposed to be here today- "Clerks" 4) Here's Johnny- "The Shinning" 5) I want to see what your insides look like-"scream"
  • 1. "Im gonna take pillow-case filled with bars of soap and beat the shit out of you!"- Stepbrother 2. "Have you ever danced with the devi by the pale moonlight?"- Batman(89) 3. "Ok I have to tell you something, Im pregnate......Fuck off!......What?.....What?......I said im pregnate.........with emotion?"-Knocked Up 4. "Edward why did you do that?......Because you asked me to."-Edward Scissorhands 5. "Ok Mclovin sounds like an irish R&B singer"- Superbad
  • "I gonna make him an offer he don't refuse." The Godfather, part II "Some birds weren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are much too bright." The Shawshank Redemption "Saddle up, lock and load." Platoon "At my signal, unleash hell." Gladiator
  • I can only think of two right now. "We're supposed to lose the people we love. That's how we know how important they were to us." - Benjamin Buttons. "I'd like to die and go to heaven where there aren't any Christians" -Heavenly Creatures.
  • '' dont be talkin to me about foot the foot fuckin masta!'' - Pulp fiction.
  • "What is this, a chawade? Say it one more time, with feeewing!"-The Kentucky fried movie. "It was more than just wind and rain. Much more. It was what the natives call Godzilla!" Raymond Burr, Godzilla 1954. "This is a normal mouse.(picture of a normal little white mouse). And this is a picture of a mouse that's been exposed to rock and roll music."(picture of a little white mouse wearing a black leather jacket and wearing shades.-Rock and roll high school. "Don't get cocky kid." Han Solo to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars(1977) "We're gonna punch them in the nose and kick them in the ass!" George C. Scott-Patton These are just a few of my favorite movie quotes.
  • Count-down style... 5. "I'm as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll!" - Dogma 4. "I'm prepared to scour the earth for that motherf***er. If Butch goes to Indochina, I want a nigger waiting in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass." - Pulp Fiction 3. "Invite him out for a drink and then, after about twenty minutes, casually drop into the conversation the fact that you'd like to marry him and have lots of sex and babies." - Love Actually 2. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." - Moulin Rouge! (via "Nature Boy" by Nat King Cole) 1. "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." - Almost Famous
  • Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter - Star Wars Oh my God they killed Kenny!! You bastards!! - South Park Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Nudge nudge wink wink! Say no more, say no more! - Monty Python's "And Now for something completely different" Have her then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. Takes a woman to know that. - Shakespeare in Love.

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