• Beaker95 is all I need.
    • Murgatroyd
      Are you and Beaker95 the same person?
    • Anoname
      I see my comment here was erased too. In case anyone is wondering I said, "No. I just appreciate his sillyness."
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      He is very silly indeed. But has the wisdom of one of those Buddha statuettes, with the fat little belly you can rub for luck. (And on some models you can also see what time it is, so you don't stand there rubbing so long you miss your appointment with the shrink, erm I mean butcher! Yea, that's what I meant *blink* ..What were we discussing?.
    • Murgatroyd
      The word is "silliness", silly!
    • beaker95
      Well, what a riot. Being accused of being someone else. Who would have thunk it. I used to be " (someone else ) " before the bunny-boilers wounded me. Me, silly. Bah. How dare you. I am ultra intelligent and straight-laced. Fat have that one correct. And a small pecker.....
    • Murgatroyd
      Are you poking fun at my magpie?
    • beaker95
      I would rather poke your Jenny Hanley......
    • Murgatroyd
      I don't think I know Jenny Hanley, although I have heard of her.
  • 31. Three one.
    • beaker95
      One-third correct, then......

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