Really bad pain on a filling but i was told i am in no need for a rootcanal
Hi there
I had afew fillings done about a year ago had no issues what so ever, went for a cleaning 5months ago ever since then my teeth have been uncomfortable, iv been getting cavities or atleast small black lines on some teeth,
My filling fell it took them so long to get me an appointment that there was eventually a cavity forming under the filling, the filling was drilled out and the cavity, a new filling was placed and i could not even have any kind of food on it not cold not hot not anything, as soon as any food particles touched it it would hurt for 5 seconds till it faded off,
this filling was very hollow and felt very thin , hot and cold would be super painful even tap water would hurt.
I went back to them they redid the same filling, now it feels a lot better MUCH MUCH better, now i can atleast drink water and mid hot mid cold items and it only hurts a tiny bit but its 80% better than it was , The issue i have now is that as soon as i have hot food or liquid touch the bottom part of it where the filling is it hurts like hell as soon as the hot food is off from it it stops immediately
if i press on the tooth with my finger it does not hurt but if i press with my nail in the middle of it where the groove is it hurts there, the actual filling hurts, it feels like the filling is very thin there in the groove could it be that the filling is too thin there so it really hurts or the material is not good ? Any suggestions ? Please help i've been suffering from t...
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