Oh boy, I sure hope so !
It's "karaoke", and it depends on what songs people choose to sing, and also on how they sing them.
More the how it's sung.
That's something I haven't done yet. I'd like to try though.
Linda Joy
Do you sing? -
No - but when my older sister took the entire family on a cruise to the Bahamahs she made us sing Karaoke. Love Shack song. -
Linda Joy
Lol I'd like to have seen that! I went to St Croix once. it's the first time I've ever seen green ocean water. -
First (and only) time I ever left the Continent. -
Linda Joy
Me too! That's quite a coincidence for two people who were both in the service. Well, the ship went out for work ups and stuff but we never really went anywhere while I was on it. They went to Scotland after I got off the ship. -
Was in during the first Persian Gulf War but wasn't deployed overseas. Orders were on the General's desk. He was about to sign them when someone came in and told him it was over. A few more minutes and the orders would've been official, but instead were scrapped. -
Linda Joy
where you disappointed are thankful? -
Linda Joy
Oops A double duplicate post! -
Linda Joy
Oops Sorry I didn't sleep last night. But still it was the computer's fault! LOL -
Thankful. Everyone who went came back with what was termed the "Persian Gulf Syndrome". That was in the news for around 7 years after that then you stopped hearing them talk about it. That was because EVERYONE who got the disease died from it. As far as I know there were no survivors. They said (for a while) it was the combination of inoculations that they got BEFORE leaving that caused the syndrome, then they stopped talking about it.
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