messed up period after taking emergency contraceptive??
where i live Plan B is illegal so i took 4 yasmin pills and 4 more 12 hours later, cause i read that it works the same as plan b. I took them once and then puked but turned out not pregnant and my period was not affected, everything was regular. Then a few months later i took 8 pills the same way but after i took them i did not puke. I am 100% not pregnant but since i took the pills i have really long menstrual cycles. i took the pills in September and now it's February, my cycles used to be around 25 days or so but now they are 50-60. my last period was on the 19th dec and now it is 20th feb, and i am really worried. Is it normal for my cycle to be so messed up? (btw i did not have sexual intercourse since i took the pills)
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