How can I get more privacy at my place?
I live in an apt building and people here talk too much in the halls, especially the neighbor across from me, she is hyperactive and is constantly going in and out all day long and into the night constantly talking to people in the halls, i feel like theres not much i can do cause shes not doing a crime talking but i also dont want to hear it constantly either. im in school and i got homework to do but cant do it till monday cause theres no way i can focus like that, i have to go to the college library to do it and theyre not open. I cant move cause im out of work and this is hud but i might have a job soon which will help. i can hear her if i run a fan, im already wearing earplugs at night and dont want to wear them days too cause then they hurt my ears. shes just so annoying cause she never gives me a break, constant talking, any suggestions before i go nuts?
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