• Atheism is the non belief in god/s. It simply means one who neither accepts nor believes is deities or god/s. Few atheist recognize soul beliefs though there are some. For them they may believe in energy transfer rather then the heaven/hell stuff.
    • we are dough
      So what is spiritual and do atheists have it....?
    • Moongrim
      Some of us do. Ironic, no?
  • Possibly. This one does have spirituality. What will come of it remains to be seen.
  • To be an atheist is to NOT believe in any sort of spiritual existence
    • Ilovesealions
      That's not correct. To be an atheist is to NOT believe in any god(s). That's all. You can believe in anything else spiritual or otherwise you want and be an atheist as long as it's not a God.
    • pugwashjw65
      It is not possible to separate spirituality from the realm of gods. Many gods have been claimed but only ONE exists.. Jehovah of the Bible. He had it written so we could understand his existence. And just to remind you all...the memorial of Jesus'death, his sacrifice, is due again...Nisan 14...."Keep doing this in remembrance of me "Luke 22:19
  • I suppose so.
  • Define spiritual.
    • beaker95
      "relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things"......
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      Oh. Well..Mr Pants doesn't really have a soul. Just cotton stuffing. Although sometimes I've had these vague feelings of being part of a grander whole...a vast field full of cotton! ..waiting to become stuffing. But probably I just ate too much turkey that night.
    • beaker95
      Did you have cranberry sauce with it?
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      Yea. Does that cause lucid dreaming? ..because if it does, I'd like to try eating it again, in case I dream of the ass across the street again (Oh did I say "ass". I meant "woman with the ass", of course) (well I'm not a pig) ................ *buzzing noise* ................. *opening several cans of sauce* ........ *gets spoon and her photograph, sits..* *sigh* Is this all there is?
    • beaker95
      If it weren't for greed, intolerance, hate, passion and murder, you would have no works of art, no great buildings, no medical science, no Mozart, no Van Gogh, no Muppets, and no Louis Armstrong.
    • pugwashjw65
      ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝll bad things originate with Satan, identified in the Bible as Jeovah's enemy...But NOT Louis...a great trumpet player.
  • It's the absence of making a "choice", or more specifically, being deluded into thinking there's one to make).
  • Definitely!
  • It has nothing to do with being spiritual or having religion.
  • Yes an atheist has the spiritual choice to believe or not to believe.
  • You may be confusing atheism with agnosticism, the latter which means that the existence or non-existence of God or anything supernatural cannot be known by man. It's a good way of hedging your bets ;)
    • Ilovesealions
      How is it a "good way of hedging your bets"? Just because you're agnostic rather than gnostic doesn't mean you're not also an atheist or a theist. All agnostics are still either a theist or an atheist.
  • Atheism is a NON - belief in a higher power...[ Jehovah God ] So why even talk about something you do not believe in [ exists ] Just discussing about whether Jehovah exists is really supporting Satan. Who is a spiritual being, although not a good one...So supporting Satan IS being spiritual... If, and it does, the Bible states that Satan DOES exist... (Job 2:1) Afterward the day came when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before Jehovah, and Satan also entered among them to take his station before Jehovah.
  • It is often just the unnoticed result of an immoral or perverted life. You know that what you are doing will send you to Hell IF there is a God and you take the route: I will not change my behavior so I must deny God.
    • BJitsu
      Why don't you ask an atheist instead of constructing a straw man?? Lol
    • Linda Joy
      Because Atheists lie not knowing the truth. You get what you give.
    • bostjan the adequate ๐Ÿฅ‰
      In any argument, you have to take outside evidence into account, not just opinions stated as fact, otherwise, if no evidence exists, you have to logically vet the arguments. The arguments that atheists are atheists because they are immoral can be looked at through demographic data as evidence, or logically understood. Obviously, it makes no logical sense to say "I'm going to hell, so, given the option of a) choosing religion and avoiding going to hell or b) pretending that there is no such thing as hell, even though I know I'm going there anyway," so LogicHead's explanation is just silly. From a data standpoint, prison inmates are 0.1% atheist, and the American population is 1% atheist. So, if immorality is congruent with crime, atheists are actually less immoral than Christians. Do you have any independent data to suggest otherwise?
    • Linda Joy
      No I don't have follow your instruction to the letter and do as you say I'm a freakin mental patient, I can do whatever I want. And I don't even have to listen to the rest of your bla bla bla. I can have whatever ideas and imaginations I want and you can't tell me how to fuckin think! What the hell is wrong with your democratic ass trying to tell me how to think now?!! Its over theline with you people ! You don't tell me how to think or what to say or how to believe these are ALL INALIENABLE RIGHTS GUARANTEED TO ME IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! (Linda blows a raspberry like a 2 year old!) I don't have to, na na na. What's more you can't make me!
    • Linda Joy
      Seriously, for a smart man I would have thought you would have learned much sooner than this its not wise to argue with a mental patient, haven't you realize by now they don't think logically? How stupid are you smart man for not figuring that out before now?
    • Linda Joy
      And I never accused atheists of being immoral, so your argument falls on deaf ears. I said they lie not knowing the truth meaning they actually believe their lies so its not immoral per se. Just that they have refused to believe that The Gospel is true. Dumbass. You see, God is so good he can even work through atheists.
    • bostjan the adequate ๐Ÿฅ‰
      Linda Joy, I'm sorry you took such strong offense at my comment. I thought it was made quite clear that I was referring to LogicHead's answer about atheists being immoral. I had mentioned him by name in my comment in the context of that statement.
  • You would have to expand and explain what you mean by "spiritual". Atheism says nothing on anything besides not being convinced of any gods. Atheism does not even say that there is no god because that is a positive claim. It simply means without theism.
  • Yes. God says if you are not for me you are against me. Only the innocent who have never heard of God, are below the age of accountability, or are mentally unable to be accountable are exempt. Miss you!
    • BJitsu
      Shouldn't you say someone wrote in a book that a god said "if you are not for me you are against me?". I am an atheist and don't believe in any gods. You are the same as me with all gods except the one you chose to believe in.
    • Linda Joy
      No. The Prophets who wrote GOD'S WORDS heard him. You are entitled to your beliefs and so am I. I don't tell you what to believe so don't even try telling me what to believe. Post your own answers don't troll mine! And don't think I don't know who you are! I've seen that spirit before in the name of Bostjan! If you're not the same person you have the same spiteful spirit! And to further denounce your second untrue supposition, I was stating what I believe and you HAVE NO CONTROL OVER WHAT I BELIEVE! NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY! And please note it was not me coming up under YOUR ANSWER TRYING TO TELL YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE ONLY WHAT I BELIEVE AND I AM ENTITLED TO MY OPINION AS WELL!
    • pugwashjw65
      For BJitsu....There can only be ONE almighty God...and what he has set is the truth, whether we believe or not...Even if we die before armageddon, there is the promised resurrection...back to this earth...Acts 24:15 There will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous...and the unrighteous will not be allowed to 'contaminate'' the renewed earth...that can only be elimination...they have already had their chance to be compliant, not only when alive, but even after they are resurrected. How they will be eliminated the Bible does not say.
    • bostjan the adequate ๐Ÿฅ‰
      I just now saw this. I am not the same person as BJitsu. I must have missed where that person was spiteful toward you, but the interaction that is present in this thread does not appear to show any aggression toward you, Linda Joy. I know that in previous interactions between you and me, you are generally nice to me, but you also have gone through a few short phases when you've been particularly nasty and made personal attacks. It's all water under the bridge to me at this point.
  • Most atheists believe in the material and determinism, so no spiritual anything.
  • Absollutely โ€œSometimes atheism refers simply to the practical rejection or ignoring of God,โ€ notes The Encyclopedia Americana. For this reason, The New Oxford English Dictionary gives the following second definition of โ€œatheistโ€: โ€œA person who denies God morally; a godless person.โ€ Atheism may entail a denial either of Godโ€™s existece or of his authority or of both. The Bible alludes to this atheistic spirit at Titus 1:16: โ€œThey profess to acknowledge God, but deny him by their actions.โ€ Is this attitude prevalent today? Yes. A subtle atheism is manifested in a quest for independence. They prefer to live in freedom. The Bibleโ€™s moral code is renounced as impractical, unrealistic. The thinking of many is much like that of the Egyptian Pharaoh who defiantly declared: โ€œWho is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice? I do not know Jehovah at all.โ€ He rejected Godโ€™s authority.
  • Atheism is not a choice. There is nothing spiritual about atheism. Atheism is simply the denial of a fictional character called "god". Religious nut jobs fail to show their "god" because they are delusional and that it's all in their head. Atheism is knowledge of the real world. The real world is misunderstood by religious nut jobs who are brainwashed into delusions. Atheism is based on reality which floats around in the conscious mind so it's up to the individual to come to terms with reality and dismiss religious delusions.
  • No, it is an educated, intelligent decision that imaginary god creatures are not real and do not exist.

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