Hey Iceman, when do you drive your 18 wheeler and earn some cash? I bet if you were driving when CB was popular you would be known as a ratchet-jaw. This isn't a slam but was just wondering.
we are dough
His handle was "sheep-shagger" and he retired in 1996...... -
My handle was Briar Fox from the Eagle, Colorado area in the 1974-77 era. Both mobile and base -
we are dough
What language was that...? -
Ice man
Very good question Dick, I've had a very colorful life & I'll explain if you have 15 munutes to kill. Amongst starting 6 various businesses (my biggest being a trucking firm), I've been driving big trucks all over North America for over 44 years. I based myself from just 15 minutes east of Edmonton Alberta, and viewed the oilfields as my personal lucrative playground, pipe-lining and moving rigs. If it was high, wide, long and ugly - I moved it. For years I went north for a couple of months (in the winter) to haul over the frozen ice roads on lakes, rivers, muskeg and tundra,.right up to the arctic ocean. Which is where i was christened with the CB handle of "Ice man". At the time it was mostly supplying remote gold mines with new heavy equipment and hauling back whatever was broken and un-repairable. It wasn't until the last 2 years (that I ran that far north) that arctic diamonds were discovered and I only went to one diamond mine (which is the big thing there in current years) before leaving the arctic ice behind me. The rest of the year I kept my trucks running everywhere else from coast to coast and south as far as into Mexico (don't ever want to go back there). That's all in the past these days. I sold everything and went through an expensive divorce, then moved to Quebec to look after my ailing father and set down my roots again. After he died, I decided against starting another (headache) business and went to work for a local trucking company who were looking for a driver that knew his way around western Canada. The job interview didn't last more than a few minutes before I was hired. So for the last 5 years I've be hauling "Super B" (two trailers) loads (95,000 lbs) of granite gravestones and monuments across the country. I start in the spring and run until sometime in November, then I take the winters off. I'm a proud member of two Veteran's Organizations, one of which I keep myself busy enough as a cook (one of my other passions) during the winter months. At the end of this year(2017) I will be giving up the long haul and find myself something local to do instead. The new incoming electronic log book regulations will be taking a lot of us "old outlaws" off the highway. I'm grateful to have enjoyed the experience but it is sadly the end of an era. All good things come to an end. -
Ice man
@ Dick - P.S. pay no attention to the doughy troll. He's only got a little pecker but turtles like him that way. lol : ) -
we are dough
Which troll....? -
Ice man
The one with the turtle on his pecker.
I am getting slightly paranoid now. Do you have control of any CIA satellites...?
Ice man
Yes, and the boys are coming to get you. You can run.. but you can not hide !! -
we are dough
I cannot run. I have no legs..... -
Ice man
Shit, ... I forgot ... Sorry ....
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