When I was your age I thought it was just a bunch of bull. Since then I have witnessed too many unexplained things to not believe. There are many critics who prefer to bury their heads in the sand, but there are just as many credible witnesses to too many events for them all to be hoaxes. We, as mankind, have just started to crawl in our exploration of the universe, and yes I believe there are others out there who can already run, so to speak. There are also many other planets cataloged and deemed as being able to sustain life.
we are dough 68
Hi there, Earthling. How's it hanging ? -
Ice man
Thank you so much for asking .... a little to the left. (if you must know ). -
we are dough 68
Is that your left or mine ? (Say yes and I'll chin you.) -
Some leading scientists have proved that interstellar travel is impossible for all practical purposes. What people see are normal things they mistake for ETs, hallucinations and hoaxes. -
we are dough 68
You humans are so stupid. -
Ice man
Mircat is that you ? There aren't two "leading" scientists who agree on anything, so that blows your stupid theory altogether ! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
The problem with your question is "How do I prove that there are no such things as extraterrestrials?" Its the kind of question that makes you always say yes.
I don't disbelieve in them. Who knows what life forms might be out there?
we are dough 68
Google ? -
Ice man
Or Gargle ? -
we are dough 68
She probably does both. No smoking as well.
I am not of this human world. I believe I am real.
Ice man
There's a 30 year old, still living in his parents basement in northern New York state (USA). He said something along the same lines. -
we are dough 68
There is always room on my island for heroic lunatics.
have no idea but ive never seen them
we are dough 68
Do you think I am human ? -
Ice man
The short answer is ... maybe, but probably not. -
we are dough 68
Even your short one is too long for me.
Yes, I am sure there well may be. I wonder how Trump will put up a wall to keep them out though.
we are dough 68
He'll build one out of his Lego bricks, during recess. -
Interstellar travel is impossible, so no ETs can ever visit us. -
we are dough 68
How do you explain me then, my unimaginative friend ?
I do not rely upon beliefs, because they have no evidence. There is no actual evidence whether ETs exist or not. I will wait until there is some firm evidence before I decide. We have only fantasy and groundless speculation. The supposed "Drake equation" is just a systematic guess involving a group of unknowns. Anyone who tries it must assign arbitrary values to the unknowns, and results can vary by trillions.
Ice man
By your ramblings and silly notions .... we must conclude that you are a blind cyclopes. -
Ice man is the person with silly notions evidently. -
Ice man
Only if you think you are the only one that doesn't realize you are using more than one personality ( multiple -accounts ) you're mistaken. But do your best to try to convince the rest of us , that you are only one person ! Good luck - Fake personality !. -
All but a few nations on the planet have disclosed direct evidence of UFOs and aliens, the denying nations are larger ones.
There's no actual evidence for or against them. We only have groundless speculation.
Ice man
And Here Is The Fake Personality ! Well done ReiSan. ! Go back to where you came from. -
Ice man, indeed, Venus1485 is ReiSan. She is also Mircat: -
Ice man, in case you didn't know, Venus1485 claims she was a Christian, and doesn't know anything about the Bible. She claims to be Italian, and she whines a lot. She claims to be in good shape, and she could be some fat lady. She claims to know about fashion, and she mentions torn jeans. To Mircat's profile, it reads: "volunteering at the animal shelter to walk dogs; play an Ashiko drum in drum circles;" This lady could be Nigerian lol, while her remarks of torn jeans makes sense to wear when it comes to taking care of dogs. I wouldn't doubt if she also has tattoos and dresses trashy, while she smells like dog feces as well. Eww, LOL -
Venus1485, I am a real Italian goddess. You are a fraud.
its possible, ive just never seen them
Like so many other thinks,how can we possibly know,however I have always been reluctant to scoff at the idea of life on other planets. After all there are endless worlds it could take us 50 years to get one way. Who knows if Star Trek will ever be true and we till travel several times the speed of light.. ? Its hard to think every single world is barren of the thousands or million worlds there are out there.
Yes, but on the opposite side of the universe as we are.
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