Being born in the sign of Scorpio, I cannot really answer that question, but I know that I am able to adapt to almost everything if necessary, or accept it and live with it. Best thing is not wanting too much, I guess.
Nosmo King
I don't ask for the world, Whitehair. I'm sure other people want more than I do. At least I never expect people to deviate from their star signs or conform to something they were born to react against. Would you believe some people actually expect those things from me? The mind boggles.
There isn't one. We're all like sea divers lost in space.
We'll just have to make the best we can of it. Lol:)
Nosmo King
That won't be easy, Crazychick. I fear the world is doomed.
Go fishing?
Nosmo King
Aquarius wants us to stop that as well, officegirl. -
How so sir? -
Nosmo King
Using the term "fishing" symbolically, we Pisces people "fish" for what the rest of the world discards. We collect other people's cast-offs. Aquarius doesn't like that, they scorn the very idea of collecting things, and they always think of ways and means to thwart us. -
Not sure how they could stop you. Just collect things if you want. You are taking that stuff way too seriously it seems to me. But I don't know - I've a Scorpio sun. -
Nosmo King
Aquarius has ways and means of stopping anything they disapprove of, officegirl. They are forever inventing new laws especially designed to thwart what Pisces wants. I don't think I've been taking it seriously enough over the years. I also wouldn't have thought you were a Scorpio, most of your postings I've seen suggest you are more like a Libra. Lol:)
I'm not sure there is a way.
Don't. Stay stubborn, especially if the alternative means forgoing your morals, someone's got to keep their head around here, because I'm right with you on this, but it has more to do with the people pushing the agenda than anything to do with aeons. CIA operative, satanist, and 33rd degree freemason Aleister/Edward Crowley called this the aeon of Horus, the aeon of the child. Horus was a hermaphrodite a combination of Isis and Osiris, similarly to where Hermaphrodite comes from the child of Hermes and Aphrodite, so this is the aeon of the androgynous child, basically anything goes, and this is why you are seeing the gender fluidity push, the transgender etc. Not sure if it was from Tavistock, the Frankfurt School or one of the others, Agenda 33, but it's a liberal programming agenda to focus the minds of the young on confusion and things of no real importance, whilst creating a globalised totalitarian government using Climate Change, I'm not saying climate change isn't real, but what I am saying is that they are using it for their own means, they do not recycle or cut air travel and they continue to build on brown and green land killing off our wildlife, because they want to make more money for themselves, it's hypocrisy, when you've got some of the richest people flying private jets to climate change meetings and when the economy has more influence than the environment you know this isn't so much about the climate as it is CONTROL. Gender wasn't the only thing under attack, so is culture and sovereignty, race, breaking up the family unit, because in a globalised world under a socialist/communist agenda all sense of identity has to be eradicated, that also includes religion remember Order Out of Chaos.
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