Don't need to record any music got XMRadio in car and house all good music no ads. Spend some of your moldy money and get it you will like it. lol Just bullshitting you about your money!
Ice man
Hey no problem, I can take a joke and I wish I had enough money to go moldy !! : ) Unfortunately satellite radio doesn't really work everywhere. I haven't paid for it yet, but other drivers have told me about "dead zones" along a corridor that I have to travel. So I've stayed with my CD's but they get screwed up too. I'm thinking maybe a thumb drive that should hold enough music for the whole two weeks. -
I've never lost signal in vehicle but when we have a terrific storm sometimes the home unit will lose signal for a couple of minutes, but this has happened only about 4 times in ten years or something like that I've had it since day one. Love it Nov.15
Hi, Ice man - I had about 400 CD's and I had to sell them in a flea market for 25 cents a piece, because they were too heavy in our travel trailer......but not before burning all music and save it in an External Harddrive, about 4000 songs. From there I can transfer it to any computer (internal Hard drive). At home I listen to it via earphones while I do jigsaw puzzles on my computer or via loudspeakers when my husband wants to listen to it, too. The best thing is that I can listen to it without being connected to the internet. Where we are on our camping resort in Florida, the free WiFi has not enough bandwith for the use by all residents. I have a Verizon mobile modem with only 5 GB per month on it, which I only use for emailing, banking or some facebook. Be safe on the road, my friend!
Ice man
I'll look into that, thanks for the good advice.. 400 CD's wow !! That must have weighed a ton. I've been packing around 20 in the truck and it's a pain in the ass. Time to upgrade and change to something a little more practical. Oh, and just so you know - I just finished pulling my last trip for this year and I'm basically home for the winter now. I'll be hanging around here more often, when I'm not cooking at the Veteran's Club. If you still have my email send me a message for a link back to you. Windows 10 ate my hard drive and I lost everything including all my old contacts. -
I do not have your email anymore, Please, Ice man, go to my website and click on the envelope in the R upper corner and send me yours. I will comply. My website is pretty interesting by now ( new web host), you might bookmark it, then you have something nice to read and look when politics and world news disgusts you.....and you want to enjoy a beer.... I had updated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 right in the beginning. I like it now after I made everything orderly again - but emails are gone, too. -
Ice man
Thanks I bookmarked the site and sent you a message. Not sure it will work. If you don't get the message, let me know and I'll find another way. -
I did not get your message. I tried it out and it worked. I sent an email to myself ( Are you in fb? If yes, please, message me there: Karin Herrmann Bartsch -
Maybe you have to send me a friend invite first? -
Ice man
I was able to find a gmail address from your site and I just sent you another message, I hope it works - let me know. I don't have or want anything to do with FB. -
Ice man
If you don't get this last message I'll try to make a "comment" on your first picture. -
Got your message - and responded. Thank you!
Laptop and MP3 player.
Ice man
Cool, thanks for answering.
I don't usually record music I usually play the radio but I use my MP3 player which can also have music downloaded on it so if I needed to do that I would use my MP3 player
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