Nope I kind of stay away from that slang talk. I am very persnickety. Excellent question Nov09
Ice man
Thank you : )
No, but I almost sunk one (I forgot to install the drain plug).
Ice man
Hey buddy, long time no see !! I'm glad to see you here. Still truckin' ? -
Hello, old friend. I don't know about truckin', but I'm still beerin'. -
Ice man
Yeah, me too !! : )
I remember one time getting a ticket on base for running a red light and I cried real tears when that cop told me that I would have to come back to go to court because the ship had already gone to Charleston and I was supposed to drive up there the following day and I knew if I had to come back I was going to be in some kind of big trouble and he just let me off with a warning
Ice man
You gotta get lucky once in a while. -
Linda Joy
I usually get lucky if it's what I want. -
Ice man
Good answer, gotta keep them horn-dogs under control. : ) -
Linda Joy
I have no illusions of being able to control anyone else. I can barely control my own self half the time! Lol
I missed the toilet bowl this morning. Again.
Ice man
So how long were you asleep on the bathroom floor then ? -
Lilo Avli
Six foot, two inches. -
Ice man
..And what woke you up, the cold, the wet, or the smell ? Or the wife ? -
Lilo Avli
My faithful pooch, licking the marmite off my testicles. -
Ice man
Are you sure that was marmite ? -
Lilo Avli
Not completely, no.
Arrived late to board this boat to P.E.I. from Nova Scotia. I was a kid at that time with my parents. Never had chance to see P.E.I. One day could happen. Should be interesting to visit.
Ice man
P.E.I. is well worth seeing, but go in the summer. You still can if you want, but don't have to take the ferry anymore .. they built a bridge you can drive across from New Brunswick. (Confederation Bridge) It's free to get to PEI. but there is a toll for the return. (probably between $50 and $60 by now) Check it out ... -
This video was interesting. This new change is much better. Summer will be. Thank you for this information.
The ships have sailed without me a time or two.
we are dough 68
Those Captains can be very sensible sometimes.
Ice man
Is that your standard answer when you mean .. "I can't understand the question" ?
I'm still trying to build a boat. Out of plastic bottles and condoms.
Ice man
It's good to have hobbies. What will you name your boat ? -
we are dough 68
Boaty McBoatface, of course. -
Ice man
There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. -
we are dough 68
I will lovingly paint it on the side using my own excrement. -
Ice man
That's exactly how the Somali pirates do it too. -
we are dough 68
But I use a toothbrush, cos I is civilized.
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