This is not the world your grandparents grew up in. When I was a kid, 1950s era, kids got out of the house after breakfast and didn't come back until the sun went down. The very best playground was a junkyard. Now you just don't see children, not on the streets, not in yards, not anyplace unsupervised. If a kid is seen after dark, people call the cops. Halloween has been bleak for as long as I have bothered to look. Take a look at this article. This is considered revolutionary. When I was a kid that place would have been considered kid heaven.
Agreed. -
Cry me a River
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Cry me a River
I think I grew up in the last unsupervised era. When America was great.. anymore you cannot trust people, because of the way schools have brought kids up.. being # 1 just started when I was finishing with school.. youre first right after me is apparent in todays world.
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