• It has happened many times before, and it will keep happening that way.
  • Yes I do. (pretty much) Anything is possible.
  • It depends on what you mean by "become a singer" Im going to assume you mean famous, profesional, or otherwise well know (and appreciated) singer. There are people who have a knack for singing. Some who are naturally tallented. This shouldnt suggest, however, that one shouldnt or wouldnt benifit from training. Take racing for example: a lot of people know how to drive. A lot of people have no problem driving fast. Does this mean they will definitely win the indie 500? probably not. theres a lot of subtleties that go into it and even though it looks simple or easy, is a very dificult skill.
  • They might become famous. at least for a time but they usually don't last for a great length of time without some kind of talent or effective PR. And some people are naturally talented but they usually get better with training. Then there are stories like
  • Yes unless the person has an absolute gift of being able to read music and timing without formal instruction. I think most singers have had some training even if it's in the high school or church choir.
  • Yes, you become a singer without having any professional training because be a teacher of yourself first before you teach. So, it means that you can learn by self study only. For me, professional training will apply for rich people who can afford to pay! A true professional singer must face challenges through experiences. You will become a professional singer because you have a dream and believe that you can do it without anyone's coaching. You face and learn it by your own that is a true professional singer. On the other hand, I have embed a video I cover a song from Phil Collins "Another day in Paradise". I hope you'll like it. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  • Yes, you become a singer without having any professional training because be a teacher of yourself first before you teach. So, it means that you can learn by self study only. For me, professional training will apply for rich people who can afford to pay! A true professional singer must face challenges through experiences. You will become a professional singer because you have a dream and believe that you can do it without anyone's coaching. You face and learn it by your own that is a true professional singer. On the other hand, I will refer you my video on just copy and paste this link to your browser Or please visit my blog it is about voice lessons technique just copy and paste this link
  • yes some people have a natural ability to sing.:)
  • YES.......some people are just gifted with a great voice, and training would actually hurt it...........

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