• My favorite character is Anita because she is a total badass and knows how to kill vampires and raise the dead.
  • i like anita, but she's kinda annoying sometimes. edward is my favorite... or jean claude.
  • I love all the characters in the Anita Blake series, but I think my Favorite Character is Nathanel(not sure is spelled his name right) I love his Violet eyes, his Amazingly Long Auburn hair, and the fact that his character is still developing and changing.
  • Meh, probably Richard, he's the only realistic character I see in the entire series. Well semi-realistic, he still wants to have some kind of supernatural gangbang with Blake and her 12 (or is it 13) other men. All the while being extremely possessive. Yet I still read the books =/.
  • ..Anita..being the "always there" character..and Jean-Claude..he's if you like her writing you should read the anthology Strange Candy..i found it refreshing..interesting..and very much enjoyable

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