the coffie cup that is never empty no matter how much coffie you drink.
A machine that allows you to see yourself as other people see you.
A way for a motorist to communicate with another motorist. Could be more of a blessing than a curse.
A line of clothing that could regulate your body temp so if in summer too hot it would cool you down & winter warm you up good for those adventurers who brave the wild
A pager for my car keys and possibaly my remote.....
A little laser which you point on your body and it rebuilds damaged or destroyed cells, and I would aim it at my liver and drink like there is no tomorrow....
A small kitchen gadget that looks like a microwave oven where you can place any food item and it will tell you exactly how many calories it has before and after cooking.
A calorie neutralizer. Add a slice of ridiculous, off the chart rich dessert in it....zaaappppt.... No calories, of course you can also order these with the "Make it healthy too" button.
A benevolent army of small robots with the ability to dig up a landfill site and recycle the contents. Each robot would be programmed to collect a particular type of material. They would also be able to make repairs to themselves and on each other with materials found. They would be able to compact their type of material into cube blocks for collection. They would be self sustaining, requiring no input from humans once their task had been set. Naturally they would be extensively programmed with ethical and command subroutines so they would know what to recycle and what not to (ie you wouldnt want them starting on a parked car !!)
A time machine that would transport Dr.Laura back to before earth was made. We can also put all the terroist in with her to keep her company.
I lightbulb that will only shine it's light on things that are worth looking at. That might be a little too idealistic for it to be marketable though.
some kind of hair vacumm designed for all this shedding
Jewels Vern
Traffic lights that see me coming and think "aaah I'll give him a break today..."
Beer that is cold when you open the can - like those Nescafe coffee cans that heated when you opened them, but the other way round.
l. A T-cell that treated fat cells like invading bacteria, and consumed them. 2. A foot-operated page turner for sheet music. It's so hard to turn the page without missing beats that I memorize everything because it's easier to memorize pages of difficult music than to turn the page in time. 3. An Answerbag that worked as well as it did before the latest batch of "improvements."
Truth trousers. Or honesty shoes. Obligatory for politicians, journalists, court witnesses, police etc.
immortality pill we all going to live very long life and animal too! WHY NOT!
i try to answer this question but i don't yet
Flying jetpacks. Also what really irritates me is that I can't put my contacts and glasses in one case, without the contacts leaking fluids all over my felt lining and causing my glasses to stink. If somehow there could be one big case with a water proof separator between the two sides, that would be very useful for me. I would pay for that.
Force fields. I already have some basic ideas about how to do them. Once I've gotten more Physics classes under my belt, I might be able to refine those ideas, or abandon the project as unattainable with our current level of technology.
The cure for diabetes.
Replicator technology.
Wireless electricity, no more cables under the street, or ruining the countryside. Forgot to charge up your cell phone or laptop before you left home or the office, then go to a wireless charging station, plug in your device, put in your credit card and charge it.
An automated dog walker.
automatic butt wiper
independant millitary african state
Its a secret you'll see it in stores soon lol
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