Kids β†’ Teenagers
  • Sure. Why not? Kids grow up at different times. Let him be a boy for a little bit longer. When it is time to let go, he will.
  • Yes, he's still a child. Quite trying to rush the boy into adulthood. Let him enjoy being a child just a little longer. Just remeber nobody ever went off to college still sucking their tumbs and drinking from a bottle.
  • I don't see why not. Hell, I slept with Luke and Blankey until I was about ten... only broke the habbit because I had to really....
  • I'm 14 and I still sleep with stuffed animals. Heck my 19 (almost 20) year-old sister still sleeps with stuffed animals. and action figures are cool. XD
  • Why not? I played with barbies til I was like 14 or 15. Don't rush childhood. children are in plenty a hurry to GROW up as it is.
  • Auntie Em you must know me! I had girlfriends and was smoking pot and drinking beer when I was his age. Vandalism was a just a pastime. The stuffed animal thing creeps me out, my wife and I fought BAD about this tonight. When I grew up G.I. Joe came out and we gave the kid who had one shit for having one. B.B. guns and rocks, that was enough for us. Guess I'm the last of a dying breed. My wife gets mad because I'm trying to toughen up the boy by making him give up his childhood toys. This country is truly doomed! All this sensitivety stuff on boys will and has made this country weak. I'm a veteran, '81-85 U.S.N. Lets all have a great big group hug!
  • He's 13 - what do you expect him to be doing? He is a child - let him be one.
  • I think it would be a good idea to start weening him from the stuffed animals and maybe a year or two later from the action figures.
  • Jesus Christ, he's 13! When I was thirteen, my male friends still had action figures, video games, costumes and even stuffed animals. He's just a kid, let him live his damn life.
  • I just want the best for the kid, like knowing what spell check is. I'll ignore the recommendations of above.
  • Only if he wants to. Look, he WILL grow up given time, and forcing him to give up things that still mean a lot to him will only make him resent you. You don't necessarily have to encourage, but let the kid be himself, even if you weren't the same at that age.
  • OK ,you guys win! I'll lay off.When he turns 18 , you support him. But he'll know how to use spell check!
  • If he wants to sure, why not?
  • I suppose it's better than playing with yourself.
  • Why pick on him, he's not harming you or anybody else. So what if he is young for his age maybe, we all age at different rates. Even when he turns 20, if he likes doing what he is doing, so what? Perhaps your worried he may be gay, but so what if he is!
  • I think it's ok. My son is 12 and loves his action figures still. Also, he has a few stuffed animals on his bed. Maybe he finds them comforting. What we never want, as parents, if for our children to grow up too fast-so appreciate it for as long as it lasts.
  • My brother slept with his stuffed toys well passed 13 years old....and he would kill me if he knew i told you all.
  • Thats whats wrong today, children grow up too quickly and before you know it theyre on booze and drugs! Be happy that he is still enjoying childhood, if more children were like him there would be less teenage pregnancies and drug related deaths. When i was 13 i was still playing with barbie dolls etc, back then all the kids were like that, not any more though! This boy seems to be quite happy doing what he is doing, i dont see a problem with it at all.
  • well i'm 24 and i sleep with a stuffed spongebob that my 3 year old cousin gave me. and i was playing with action figures earlier tonight, how's that?
  • Nothing wrong with it, if it makes you happy go for it.
  • Everyone's so different, there isn't really a 'should'. But by 13 i'd think the norm would be past stuffed animals and action figures, although, it does happen and doesnt indicate anything being wrong by any means.
  • I'm 30 and I sleep with a stuffed animal. I also have action figures, comics and pictures on my wall.
  • I have a son 13yrs; who sleeps with stuffed animals. He has 200 of them. It is quite heart-wrenching for me to see it! I was almost an adult at 13; big brother, watching out for younger children; set an example for others, etc. My grandfather managed his family business at 13(had to learn at work; as his father died.) I was ready but not required to work. I do not know whether my son will ever be ready. My wife does not seem to mind (hence 200 animals). I had to learn to let go. (I have no other choice except maybe divorce my wife!)
  • leave the kid alone do you want him to grow up already we all got our own unusual ways of getting through life if the lad is hapy then goood on him
  • If he wants to, yes.
  • don't mean to sound harsh or nothin but i really hope no one comes over and finds that stuff out (like class mates/peers) cause thats some stuff that he will get made fun of and since he is more in the littler kid than the teenage kid mind set it might really effect him in a not so positive way if u catch my drift, so do let him do it by try to *slowly* gear him twards not wanting to because sooner or later some of his peers will b over and thats the last thing any child wants is to b baged on because he still sleeps with some stuff animals, its no big to b honest but kids these days like to b harsh
  • It could be normal. We all grow on our own time. When he's 16 and still thinks girls have cooties is when you should be worried.
  • I had a friend whose son graduated high school and went directly into military. His loves were guns and Eyore. Go figure. He seems fine, is engaged to marry a nice girl.... to each their own.
  • Sure, if he wants to. Why shouldn't he? There are many adults who do the same or similar and they lead perfectly normal adult lives, they work, pay their bills, have their families. Whats the big deal?
  • I kept watching cartoons 'till I was 15 or 16, go figure. Yes I'm weird, or so do people say. But I'm perfectly normal as far as I can tell and feel good about myself. Just let the kid be, eventually he's gonna leave that behind and go on with his life. The least you want is for him to think his parents are a couple of tyrants who won't let him be himself and try to change him, THAT would be hard....
  • It’s probably time for him to stop. You can let him do what he wants to be happy, but it will make him unhappy in the long run. Getting pegged as "that kid" early on in high school can start a cycle that can ruin a person’s life. It’s a sad world.
  • let the boy be a kid at least thats all hes sleeping and playing with
  • I am a 24 year old woman who sleeps with her stuffed animals! I know it sounds immature and lame, but It is comfortable to snuggle with something :)
  • i still play with stuffed animals and dolls :D theres nothing wrong with it at all, i know seniors that still play with them! (yes guy seniors!)
  • whats wrong with an imagination?
  • Would you rather him join a gang and start drugs
  • only if he using condoms
  • Yes. I'm 19 and still do both. Though the latter in private.. HP doll.
  • FYI, He doesn't play with them anymore. I posted this a year ago. As far as you "adults", who said it was OK, have fun with your toys. He's grown out of that stage in life. I doubt that my ridicule did any good,but still, it's a move in the better direction then some in here have suggested. I try not to be judgemental, but there's some f-ed up answers from some f-ed up people. Have fun with your toys,"man" boys!
  • If he wants to; that is HIS business and NO ONE elses's !! He will grow up soon enough and have to face the cold, hard, difficult facts of life and reality ... so let him be a child as long as he can .. within reason ... +5
  • It depends entirely on the child..and what harm can it do? better than him going out getting drunk and smoking..
  • Its better than playing with guns. People wonder why children act "grown up so young". It is because they are pushed by society.
  • Why not? If he wants to!
  • If the boy is/was holding on to his childhood so late then there may by a parenting issue. I speak out of experience. I'm an adult male and tend to cling to my childhood as well. I blame my parents for divorcing while I was a baby, then shifting me around like a ping-pong ball.
  • A 13 y/o boy should be sleeping with girls and playing with guns. :-)
  • Yep. A 13 year old is a child and children develop at different rates. 13 may not look that young and he may be as tall as you but nonetheless he is and will be for some time, a kid, Anyway, it does not matter either way, home is the one place where you should be free to be yourself without worrying about what others think, what you think you should be doing or where you pretend to be something you are not. Childhood is short enough.

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