first of all, FIRST!!! and im ganna go with FF7, FF10, or Chrono Trigger (for SNES) f'in love'em,
The Shadow Hearts series is incredibly good. It's my favorite that I've played so far. Other than that FF and Kingdom Hearts are also good.
I'm currently a fan of World of Warcraft, but I played Everquest for a long time prior...
Well....I'd have to say that The Dungeons and Dragons system has been the most successful, but GURPS is rapidly gaining popularity.
GURPS. If you have to ask why, then you are too clueless to understand my answer. 13 Sep 07 - Response to Weatherman: My issues with RIFTS/Palladium are many. 1) Class-based - While you can jigger skill selection a LITTLE, it is still a class-based system. And there are 77,127,534 OCCs to boot. Just make it open-ended and be done with it. Either that or at least stop discouraging multi-classing so severely. 2) Level-based - I've always hated levels. All of a sudden you are better in ALL skills, ALL combat abilities, etcetera? Nope. Don't buy it. Even wore is that all levels are capped at 15. While many PCs won't ever reach level 15, it's a sure bet that certain NPCs will, especially the longer-lived RCCs. Similarly, I never understood level limits in AD&D. 3) MDC - RIFTS Conversion Book 1 did a good job of pointing out how ludicrous the MDC system truly is and gives a way to eliminate it. 4) Skill selection/advancement - Just laughable. No way to really specialize unless you count choosing an OCC with a hefty bonus. 5) Over the top - EVERYTHING in the Palladium games I am familiar with (Rifts, Robotech, Mechanoids (the original!), Heroes Unlimited, and TMNT) tends to be geared strictly for epic battles and massive explosions. It is hard to play a sedate, realistic game in those settings. At least the Palladium Fantasy RPG seems to tone it down a hair; the scale is smaller and more low-key. Sure, RPGs are supposed to be fantasy worlds and all, but some people's fantasy worlds resemble Under Siege more than Quake III. To their credit, Rifts has a very detailed world with a very rich storyline, and the old-style SAMAS suits just rock hard. The novels were great too. (You DID read them, right? If not, do so NOW!) Unfortunately the rules seem to be oriented AGAINST that sort of adventuring. It's sad because I WANT to like Rifts. I just need flexibility and scalability that Palladium can't really offer
At the very beginning of computer RPG, I would say Wizardry. There was nothing like it then. D&D was really interesting about the time they were developing Grey Hawk. I can't say what are the best now, they take too much time to play.
FFVIII! Best story line in RPGs at least, and I love the gameplay.
I really like the .hack games
I always enjoyed the Hero System. You could play ANYTHING in it, much more easily than GURPS.
I used to love ))& and Call of C'thulu, but they wereyears ago... back in the paper and pencil days
Second Life
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, anyone?
I loved Oblivion. Too bad my video card was like the 2nd worst and it didn't look beautiful.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda isnt an RPG its and action adventure/puzzle game.. it has Levels for gods sake.. anyway the best ever RPG would have to be Final Fantasy VII cliche i know
Final Fantasy VII tops the charts but there's also Xenogears, Suikoden, and WildArms.
For pen & paper rpgs, I'm a big fan of Hรขrn. Great medieval flavour with lots of detail. I don't know if it's the greatest rpg ever, but it's my favourite. After that, Tekumel is another great setting. For computer rpgs, I like Morrowind, even if it's old now. :)
OBLIVION! i don't know about the rest of the elder scrolls though... world of warcraft was ok, but to expencive so i quit...
Earthbound, for SNES. You can launch bottle rockets at chompasaurs. :D
Of all time, I'd say it has to be Sonic 2 on the MegaDrive x
The Secret of Monkey Island!!! Guybrush Threepwood is my hero.
RIFTS (Palladium)
I like the Sims.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Edition. Old school pen & paper with polyhedral dice. :)
The Nintendo 64 version of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" - a timeless classic, playable countless times, and still is suprising and challenging!
Best rocket propelled grenade? Well, I've always had good results with the stinger....
Final Fantasy 7 dudes!!!!
The ones I played with my husband.
Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast...was amazing =)
Final Fantasy 8!!! โฅlaura
Final Fantsay FTW u carnt beat any of the Final Fantasy games even tho 1-6 are really basic graphics there still classics :) i dont think i could really chose just 1 id have to go with all of em lol :)
HomeWorld Online. It's an RTSRPG. (RTS=Real time strategy)
Final Fantasy 7 has to be the best.
Gothic is one of my personal favourites (1st place for gothic I and the other 2 rule too), vampire - bloodlines : the masquerade, The Witcher(pwns but my pc can't run it.. system reqs), that's all i can think of right now. Regarding mmorpg's : Lineage2, Aion (coming soon - AWESOME), Cabal, and why not ... World of Warcraft.
dmc 3
Hmmmm... I really like Conquer Online and AQ...
ChronoTrigger is the longest running, most acclaimed, most reproduced and highest grossing RPG in existance. (Higest grossing excluding MMORPG's)
Asheron's Call: throne of destiny
Final Fantasy <(^.^)>
world of warcraft
Pen and Paper AD&D then Elfquest PC Oblivion then the first Bard's Tale (used to be Bard's Tale then Pool of Radiance(the first one))
As a primarily SF fan, I would rate Traveller as the best dice RPG. Although I enjoyed D&D, I really could not stop playing Traveller. As for Computer RPGs, for me it's a toss up between the older Ultima Underworld (I and II) and the newer Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (I've always been a sucker for a dungeon crawl on computer).
sorry but do you mean 'rocket propelled grenade', if so m17, if not whoops:)))
Final Fantasy 7, brother is huge fan of RPGs, loves that game, claims it is the best of the series so far.
the best rpg i think is dirt for x-box360.
i havent been on in a while but i like runescape
Oblivion is the most polished, and its predecessors, especially Morrowind, are great. Gothic (3 is best, but 2 and 1 are also worthy) is the most adult seeming, in terms of actions and consequences. Two Worlds isn't bad at all for a clone. I LOVE Titan Quest and its expansion pack Immortal Throne -- best ever re-diablo-ed game of all time. Clearly, I'm unable to pick just one. It's the gemini in me...
The whole paper mario series. They are the ONLY rpgs I played.
World of Warcraft
magic the gathering for rpg card game but for ps3 card game eye of judgemeant and for pc i heard there is a game called chaos that is like the ps3 one.
either Final Fantasy series, or Elder Scrolls
the best rpg for me has to the be the all of the zelda games.out of this world entertainment
Might and Magic for Sega Genesis. Simple and always entertaining.
There is only one, possibly two best rpg's of all time. The single role playing game would be chrono trigger, if you cannot agree with that now. Agree with it in comparison to how advanced it was for its time. Think about it! Time travel, active fighting, extensive items lists, side quests like mad. One deep plot, love triangle, and combo attacks. It has all the basic means to be a great, and the best. Never mind the genuinely lovable characters. In my mind there is only one game that can come close too Chrono trigger in rating of best game of all time and that would suikoden 2. Active fighting. Deep plot, Large character group. Army battles. Most extensive fighting system. The game makes the player feel actually attached to the character. So I suggest if anyone is too play a game that they havent play suikoden 2, suikoden 5, Chrono trigger. Legend of the Dragoon, or any game in the final fantasy series.
I am so hooked on NWN right now, I scarcely think of anything else...
It's a close between Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger in my opinion. FF6 wins only because of Kefka. Insane clown overthrows his leader, destroys the world, conquers it, and becomes GOD. How much more bad ass can you get? And the heroes end up saving a ruined world.
Legend of Mana for PS1 that it next to Evo on the SNES
Shadow Hearts.
I loved oblivion very much and also gothic 1 and fable. Haven't installed some others that I have. If I have to choose one, it has to be oblivion. It's awesome. Awesome graphics, lots of quests. Detailed characters. realistic ai/npc and animals. Fun quests. etc. It's awesome. Gothic and fable are fun too. Haven't completed any of them.
I will have to say Final Fantasy 7. No, you don't get to go anywhere you want to and dress your character up in awesome looking costumes but the story and the characters were amazing in my book. This game defiantly turned me on to the RPG Genre.
world of warcraft is alight but its too expensive,i like oblivion but it gets boring after awhile,mine would have to be diablo 2.
Outwar Click this link to start playing! trust me, you will never regret..
Outwar! Click this link to start playing!
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a great solo game. Another is an older Amiga game called Legend of Fargheil. Spent two years playing that game and still never beat it.
well world of warcraft. definately its addicted but its worth it. sometimes it makes u sad even though i are totally into playing.
Everquest World of Warcraft old school paper and pen AD&D!
I saw no mention of Final Fantasy Vii (7). This has to be right aboce the elderscrolls games. (From Arena to oblivion)
Chrono trigger almost made me one point ull see what i mean if u already been trough the whole game but its for me the best game ever
Chrono Trigger for the SNES, hands down. Best SNES game too, according to I agree wholeheartedly. :D
i like maplestory ( and GunZ ( and you need to odwnload them
i play runescape and sometimes world of warcraft
Guild Wars
well the best rpg game i have ever played has to be oblivion/the elder scrolls iv,i recomend it to anyone!
Most probably TES IV Oblivion but I did like The Witcher tons!!!!
Fable is the most awesome RPG ever!!!!
FF7,plain and simple!!! It reveloutionized rpg games. Square made everyone step the game up when it dropped FF7 on what was then a next-gen system ps1.
I personally liked Fable for the old xbox. although the storyline was really linear, it was fun to be able to do what ever you want. you could kick chickens! YAY.
Always had a love for Knights of the Old Republic...And Carth Onasi xD
All Final Fantasy games!
Final Fantasy 7!!!!!!!
pokemon yellow
Diablo 2 if your an onliner TLOZ if you like to play on Nintendo Chrono Cross For Playstation
Excluding World of Warcraft, I would say Final Fantasy series or Dragon Quest series
D&D hands down.. not sure which edition.. I've had them all.. hmm.. actually.. best rpg.. Metamorphasis Alpha.. go look it up.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons with the books but only the first few books. Dungeon Masters Guide, Players Handbook, Monster Manual, Dieties and Demigods, Monster Manual II. These books, a bag of dice, graph paper, a few friends and a case of Mountain Dew and I could game for an entire weekend straight no sleep. God, I'm a geek.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Barkley: Shut up and Jam Gaiden. Seriously, check it out, it's a freeware PC game.
Doom 3 Not only is it scary, but violent, and weapons are realistic-sounding
Without a doubt Baldur's Gate for the PC.
Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game of all time. The only thing that could possibly ever beat it is a remake on PS3 or a massive online game of enormous proportions
Diablo I and II. Soon to be III.
DIABLO 2 with a Lord of Destruction expansion's the best damn RPG you can find....for sure... grat characters,many great weapons which you can upgrade,many different creatures and damn ugly bosses...weeeeeee
I would have to say Elder of the Scrolls III: Morrowind
Elder of the Scrolls III: Morrowind is my personal ALL-TME-FAVE! Knights of the Old Republic is my second favorite. does anybody else out there like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Shadow Run I think is the best ive played!!!
For pen and paper rpgs, it's whatever your group has the most fun with. For me, the most fun has been with The Riddle of Steel by Driftwood publishing. But I'm also a big fan of Sorcerer by Ron Edwards, and Burning Wheel. For settings, I like Hรขrn and Tekumel the most.
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