no, i am not interested in what they are doing
That's considered stalking, and that is illegal. I just use it for camp to signify human signals.
No, but I have a slight feeling that they might be doing that to me.
I could care less what my neighbor is doing. In short... No ! There was a pathetic old snoop who lived across the street from us when we lived in the city. She'd watch out her window and watch me kiss my wife goodbye every morning. She was the biggest busy body gossiper I've ever seen.
no way, they dont do anything near cool enough to watch
Not recently.....
No the only neighbours i could spy on are old aged pensioners and im not into wrinklies.
haha no. the telescope is much more effective.
No... do you?
No, my neighbours are all old. I'm sure they don't do anything worth watching.
I don't own binoculars but if I did I wouldn't be using them on my neighbors.
No, I find my infra-red tracking devices work much better.
of course not. my aunt uncle and cousin's live across the street... and my gramma used to live the closest to the left of us but it was a mile away and to the right another mile away is my other cousins... sooooo the only thing i could spy on are birds and animals... aaaaah the country
Of course not, I just peer through my blinds at them.
No, but my toddler looks through the holes in the garden fence.
hahahaha for what reason? I have no interest in what they are doing or how they are living their life. I would like a "good" pair of binoculars to watch wildlife however. Anyone know a good brand they could suggest?
Ice man
There are many that you can waste your money on, but for all the years I had time to hunt ... I used " Bushnell". 10X60's.. Medium price range but ... excellent for long range with a hand held. (if you're steady) (if not get a tripod, or rest your elbows on something solid. ie car hood, or a fence post.).
No, I have a telescope for that. My hands shake too much holding binoculars.
I can't see my neighbors with binoculars.
I don't have binoculars. And my neighbors are probably not that interesting! Besides when you stick your nose in the business of others its liable to get punched!
no, i dont care what theyre doing as long as theyre not bothering nne
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