A bag of cat food, some cling film, some foil, a wok and a lazy susan.
A lonley roll of kitchen paper.
Two Large Bread crocks. and the kitchen TV on a wall mount. My large bunch of keys and a pair of shades.
Couple boxes of pasta, an empty wine bottle, half rack of buttweiser (Don't blame me, it belongs to a friend. GROSS), a lunchbox, an old dish drainer. I think that's it. Oh, and lots of dust.
3 rolls of paper towels and a can of lay's bean dip.
Two boxes of cold cereal, one container of oatmeal and a box of microwave popcorn packages.
I have cereal and keys
a can opener :)
2 antique cook jars.
Cookbooks, and Canisters, I ran out of space on top of my cabinets to store things. I wanted everything to remain neat and orderly.
Some phone books, a tissue box, and other random junk that doesn't belong anywhere.
SO much stuff. Anytime I tidy up, things that don't have a "home" go on the fridge. I really should clean it
Oh have you visited my house, am I telling lies, you are a very stupid hypocritical person. have a nice evening:) Edit Sorry this was a comment to a Troll not the answer to a question.
A bunch of cookie cutters. We have quite a collection.
the ceiling
Kids lunch kits and a wicker picnic basket.
papers and deodrant,pens,elastics any many other things.
I wish you hadn't asked, I'll have to clean it now - dust.
2 boxes of cereal: Raisin Bran Capt. Crunch
scissors. don't ask why.
Two for vegetables after they're washed, the other for dishes after they're washed. :)
A picture of my pet piglet.
A basket with napkins in it, a yellow ceramic jar with a smiley face on it, a tray, and kleenex.
We've got a cabinet over the fridge so nothing can actually sit on the top. But inside the cabinet is bulk flour and sugars, paper products like napkin and paper towels, lightbulbs. And on top of the cabinet is a moose:-)
A gap about 6 inches high because the fridge is in the space that used to be a pantry, there are bottles of water and coke laid in that gap though waiting for some room in the fridge x
Two cases of 9 Lives Cat food. Hubby put them there and I haven't stocked the cabinet with them yet.
the micro wave.
2 large bottles of robinsons diluting juice (apple and blackcurrant and tropical), a carton of eggs and... hold on let me look.... a basket of new potatoes.
Let's see... 5 boxes of breakfast cereal, a flashlight, an empty can of coffee (for whenever you might need a large can?), a plastic separator shelf from the installation of the fridge that never fit quite right, and the old aged fridge manual that I throw up there a long time ago.
Empty egg cartons, four packs of light bulbs, flashlights.
My salad spinner, coffee bean grinder, a can of lightly salted cashews, bread, bagels and a large spider plant. I had to go look to remember what's there. Think maybe some of it will be gone tomorrow.
A box of Nag Champa incense that I've had for about 5 years now.
One plastic potted orchid, one plastic basket loaded with lemons, two eggplants and my plastic pill dispenser. It is one of those with seven compartments, one for each day of the week.
Toooooo much junk to list! We are buying a house, but had to move out of our old one to do repairs in order to get it ready for our new tenants that will be leasing to own it from us. In the mean time, we're temporarily living in a tiny apartment. There are boxes stashed EVERYWHERE! We unpacked most of the things we need, but we'll be in the new house by the end of next month, so it seems silly to unpack things that were in our garage, closets, etc. So needless to say, our fridge is buried at the moment. lol
Nothing. It's actually surrounded by wood with cupboards above it.
Dust. I need to clean it off.
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